Chapter 37-First Day Of HighSchool

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Hope's Pov

I didn't want to wake up at all. First day of Highscool, and I don't feel like going. I really don't want to. I reluctantly got outta bed, and chose the perfect outfit, and went to take a shower. It is currently 6:15 am, and school starts at 8:00. I put on one of my hoodies, some black jeans and Converse.

Once I finished with my shower, and was dressed. I brushed my teeth, and I checked the time. 7:00am. Chris was already up. "So you excited?"

I scoffed. "Yes. I am so excited." I said sarcastically. I ate cereal. "I would love to stay and talk, but if I am walking to school im going to be late." He chuckled and pointed at my hoodie. "Then that hoodie is spot on." I nodded. Got my black jansport back-pack that only had some paper and pencils since I was waiting till I get my syllabus from each teacher.

I kiss Chris on the cheek. "Love you dad. Bye." "Bye!" I then preceeded to walk to school. When I got there it was 8:05. I smiled to myself. Well my hoodie is matching my personality. I go to the front office. "Name?" "Hope Miller." Shr typed something. "AP Chemistry, F building, Room 13. Your first period teacher should give you the rest of your schedule." I nodded. And got went to find the F building after awkwardly asking for directions.

Once I found it, I walked in. I should've gotten there on time, because now people are just staring at me. "Name?" She asked. "Hope Miller." She handed me a piece of paper, and told me to sit in an empty seat between this boy and a girl. I looked at my schedule.

AP Chem: F13: Ms.Jones
Ap English:A11: Mrs.Donors
AP Calculus: G17: Mrs.Cunningham
Videoagraphy: F14: Mr.Lind
-2nd Lunch-
History 1: A14: Mr. Davidson
Beginner Choir: G18: Mrs. Wilmot
PE: Gym: Mr. Smith

It's a good schedule, I wasn't even paying attention till the girl passed me 2 papers. I passed one down. "So what's your name?" She asked outta nowhere. "Hope Miller. Yours?" "Marisol Ramirez. The boy next to you in my twin brother Mike Ramirez." I nodded. "Your mexican? I'm only assuming because of the last name." She nodded.

"Yep. My family is from Jalisco. I was born in the states. We moved here this summer." She explained. Then her brother cut in. "We were born in the states." He said. "¿Supongo que ustedes también hablan español?" They both nodded. Marisol spoke again. "Te ves blanca No esperaba que supieras español." I smirked. "Mi mamá era mexicana, mi papá era blanco. Mi mamá me enseñó." After that we stopped talking, because the teacher told us too.

After class Marisol and Mike met me. "Well since we have no friends, you think we can hang with you?" I nodded. "I was going to ask you guys the same question." Mike chuckled. "Yes! Now we are a trio. What's our schedules?" Marisol explained her first.
"2nd period Ap English Mrs.Donors 3rd period. AP Calculus: Mrs.Cunningham. 4th period Health: Ms. Haskell. 2nd lunch. 5th period History 1 Mr.Davidson. 6th Art. Mrs. Blake. 7th PE. Mrs.Willing." I got all excited.

"We have 4 classes together. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th period. Then same lunch, and same PE period." She gave me a fist bumb. "Mike?" We both questioned. "I got the same schedule with Marisol except for 4th, and 6th. For those I got 4th Videoagraphy, and 6th Design in Engineering." I nodded. "Nice we got 4th together." We all headed toward 2nd period, being alittle late.

Everything was fine, and now it's lunch. We all got our lunches, and sat down at am empty table. It stayed empty throughout. Then someone came up behind me. "So Hope? You need your daddy to defend you, and then you don't come back to school till now?" It was one of Hunters groupies. Raymen. "Hahaha. How bout you shut the fuck up, and go to your friends." Marisol and Mike both looked at me with shock. I have been nice this entire time. He scoffed. "I bet he is only using you for popularity. You are useless, and good for nothing. You're probably only a sex toy aren't you?"

That got me pissed off, I grabbed my carton of milk. "First of all Chris is not using me for popularity, cause he hasn't even said anything. Because privacy is important. 2nd of all I know that I'm useless, so I don't need you reminding me. 3rd of all. How Dare you see Chris that way." Then I poured the milk on him.

No one saw, except Marisol and Mike. I kept it lowkey, and no one was yelling or drawing attention. Plus I know this school doesn't have sercruity cameras. And I did I could easily hack into the feed, and delete and edit footage. "Imma-" I cut him off. "Your gonna what? You have no groupie to beat me up anymore, and I know you ain't shit. Bye." I sit back down, and he is fuming. He rushed off, and Marisol and Mike just stared at me.

Mike was the first. "First of all that was badass. Second of all whose that?" Marisol just also looked at me. "Oh we are so keeping you now." I chuckled. "That was Raymen Germish. At my old school he was in a group that will constantly harrass me, and beat me. But all of them went to a different highscool, and I guess he got stuck here. He derserved it." Marisol and Mike were in aw, but also had some sort of sympathy. I have beem waiting to do that forever.

When lunch finished we went to History. The rest of the say was chill. I got my supply list, for each class. PE we did nothing, but got told to get a lock, and get our PE clothes by next week. Chris picked me up after school. I said bye to Mike and Marisol, and got in.

"So how was your first day? Also whose the boy?" I chuckled. Over protective for a good reason. "It was okay. Poured milk on someone, also that was Mike and his twin sister Marisol. We are now apparently the mexican trio. Since there isn't many of is here. Also got all the classes I wanted." He nodded. Then caught up. "You dumped milk on someone?! Why the fuck would you do that!?" I luaghed at how serious he was being. Which only made him death glare me. "It was Raymen G. A dude who use to beat me up. He said that you were using me for popularity, that I was useless, and said that I'm a sex toy. So I got done with his bullshit, so I told him off, then I dumped milk one him."

He made a oh sound. "Okay then. Good job, but only a one timr thing. Also I'm surpried you didn't get caught." I nodded. I told him about my schedule, and stuff like that. He wasn't going in the direction of home. "Where you going?" "Well you need school supplys, and we are in a car. You have your list, so to the store." I just kept quiet after that.

When we got there, I got out all my list, and went out. I got notebooks for 4 of my classes. Got loose leaf paper, higlighters, a binder, etc. Once we got done with the school supplys we went home, he signed whatever papers you need to sign to make sure they read the syllabus. He didn't actually read it, but signed it anyway.

I organized stuff in my back-pack, and I was done with everything school related. It was already like 6, so he started making food. We ate, wached a movies. And I had to get ready for bed now, since I have to be in bed by 10:00, which sucks.

I just got in my usual sweats and hoodies. With marvel themed socks, said goodnight to Chris, and awaited for the next day.

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