Chapter 31- Court Date #1

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The photo on the top is the amount of years you can go to prison for child abuse in the state of Massachusetts. I looked it up, and bodily injury means injurys to the mind and body. And substantial means of considerable importance, size, or worth. So in the story this basically determines how many hears I can put the aunt in prison.

Today is going to be a very bad day, and I am not looking foward to it. It is 8:00 in the morning, and I have to get ready, and eat breakfast by 9:10. We leave at 9:15, and we should get to court around 9:45. Court doesn't start until 10:00am. This is for more evidence against my aunt, and to see how long she will be in prison. It depends on the amount of violence. I have to wear a dress, and I am not looking foward to it. It's Monday June 11th. We are celebrating fathers day on Friday with the family, so that Ryan and Chris could spend time alone with their kids. Scott is kidnapping me tommorow, so I could get Chris a birthday, and Father's day gift. So this week is going to be really hectic. Especially also because on the 14th we have the other court date.

I get up, and take a shower. After that I just put on sweats, and a long sleeve shirt, and go to eat breakfast. One I eat breakfast, it's already 8:30, so I start getting ready. I brush out my hair, and just leave it straight down, parted to the side. I brush my teeth, and then go to put on my nice outfit.

Once I finish it is 8:50, so I head to the living room. Scott is coming to the court, also is Grams(Grandma). They are the only two that I know of that know. I thinks Gramps(grandpa) knows too, but I'm not sure. The rest are probably confused of why I have trigger words. Anyway Grams, and Uncle Scott are coming for emotional support apparently, and the rest don't know, other than Gramps, because his wife is going. This is going to be hell. Scott and Grams are supposed to come to the house at 9:00, so they should be here in a little.

Dad came out of his room, in a black suit. "Aww Don't you look cute." That is the gayest Chris has ever sounded, you know what I take that back. "Thanks?" He laughs it off. "You ready for today?" "Nope. I don't wanna go, but I have to. I'll probably never be ready, but yeah." He nodded, looking at me with a sad smile. "I'll be next to you to the whole time well almost the whole time until you have to go up for questioning." I nodded, and just went on my phone, and played temple run.

It was 10 minutes later when we heard knocking on the door. Chris opened to reveal Uncle Scott, and Grams. I ran over to Scott, and hugged him. "The SUPERIOR!" More camly I hug Grams.

We all start going into the Car. Scott is in the back with ne, Chris is driving, and Grams is in the passenger seat. To say I'm scared, is a understatement. Chris sees me panicking. "You wanna put music?" I nodded, and grabbed the aux cord.

We got to the court house, and Scott and Grams were in the first row of seats, meanwhile Chris and Myself were sitting where the lawyers sit. Then they brought her in. My hands started shaking, and my breath hitched. I pushed myself closer to Chris, which he put a protective arm around me. Then the judge came in, and it began. About 10 minutes in, I have to go to the witness stand. And her attorney started asking me questions. "Hope Miller correct?" I nodded. "This is your aunt from your mom's side, she took you in, after you had no one." I nodded again, to scared to say anything. "Now you said she did it everyday is that true?" I felt tears in my eyes already. "Is it true?" "S-she woul-dn't d-do i-i-it whe-when s-she ha-had busi-business tri-trips fo-for her job." He nodded. "You said it was going on for 2 years yet she had custody over you for 3, what happened in the first year?" I gulped. "She would just ignore me, maybe threaten me a few times when she felt like it." He nodded again.

Then the judge asked me a question. "What was the worst punishment you have gotten from only your aunt?" I know the answer to this. My breath starts getting heavy, my hearts beating really fast. I tried to focus on answering. This whole time my aunt as a evil smirk across her face. I couldn't talk, I felt weak again. Like I was with her. The judge saw what was happening, and called a 5 minute recess.

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