Chapter 38- He's Back Hoesss

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Today is October 4th, 2018. Chris is supposed to be there by the time I get home, since he left a week ago to do something for work. I got detention today, because apparently I was being disrespectful to my 3rd period teacher. It's not my fault she's a bitch. I hate her cause she belittles me, and is very passive aggressive toward her students. So it really doesn't help if she is telling her AP class to be better and that what we are doing is not good enough, when most of us have low self-esteem. The final bell rings, and I have to text Scott, to tell him I'll be getting home later than usual.

Imma be late


Your dad is home today....


What happened?

I'll explain when I get home.

Okay but your dad is here.

He wants a good excuse.

Trust. It'll be a good one.
Ill see you around 4:45.


I turned off my phone, and walk to the detention room. Highscool is such a bitch, at least I have 2 friends. Mike is awesome, and Marisol is amazing. You gotta live twins, but since they are twins both of them weren't there today, so I had no one to shut me up. So now I'm in detention.

I take a seat in the back. The room is filled with 5 other people, all looking miserable. I would see why. It was one of the cool teachers that was on detention duty. "Hi. I don't feel like lecturing you all, so I decided as a joke I would play some P.S.A from Spider-Man Homecoming. About Detention and what not. Enjoy." I internally groan, of course I would have to listen to my dad for a straight hour. Love that.

It's been an hour, and I want to kill Chris, and I haven't seen him in like a week. I started walking home, put some music. If this is what 9th grade is like, I'm screwed. I shouldn't be complaining that much since I still have all A's, and most are AP classes.

As soon as I get home, I see Chris on the couch. I drop my bag my the door, and go tackle him. "DAD!!!!" He catches me into a hug. "Yayyyyy!!! You're back!" He chuckles. "What you didn't have fun with Scott?" Scott came in. "Yeah was I not fun for one week?" I laughed. "What do you mean? You know you were fun." Chris and I continued to hug. About 10 minutes later we finally let go. "So why did you get detention?" I groaned. "You know you're the last person that I want to talk to about detention currently." He looked a little hurt. "What? Why?"

I sighed. "Dad... as a joke the teacher put the Captain America PSA thingys. So all I heard for an hour was." I sat down in a chair decided to imitate him. "So you got detention. You screwed up. You know what you did was wrong. The question is how are you going to make things right. Maybe you were trying to be cool. Take from a guy whose been frozen for 65 years. The only way to really be cool is to follow the rules." Scott started laughing his ass off, meanwhile Chris was just confused. I went back to the couch, and sat down next to Scott. Scott asked this time. "Why did you get detention?" I groaned, and slouched down.

"So today Mike and Marisol didn't come. Anyway they usually keep me on check when I'm on my first day of my period, because that's when I'm most mood. So I went into 3rd period, and Dad my 3rd period is the most bitchy teacher. Anyway in the middle of class I asked. 'Can I go to the bathroom?' She replied with. 'I don't know can you.' And me being moody I said. 'When I was using "can" I was using its secondary model form as a verbal modifier asking permission as opposed to expressing ability.' She glared at me, and said. 'Are you talking back to me?' I rolled my eyes at her, and said. 'No this is how a conversation works.' So then I already ticked her off, and the whole class was like oh snap. So then she said no to the bathroom. But this was like if I don't get to the bathroom right now I will have blood on my ass for the rest of the day. So I got up and left anyway. When I came back, and sat down she said. 'You cannot just leave without asking permission.' Then me being me again. Told her 'I did ask permission, you didn't say it had to be a yes.' Everyone is the class is dead silent, and I shit you not you could see steam coming out of her ears and nose. And she looked like she was about to explode. So she sent me to the principle's office. The principle was trying so hard not to laugh, so I only got detention for today and tommorow." Scott was still laughing his ass off, meanwhile Chris tried to look disappointed, but was trying not to smile.

Eventually I had both adults laughing, and Chris is still trying to be a good dad. "Okay. I'll let this slide, but you can't do that. Also noted first days of your periods never mess with you." I nodded, and snuggled into him. "Before we start getting at our regular routine again, don't you have homework." I shook my head no. "I finished during detention." He nodded.

Scott said his goodbyes, and left. Chris and I started watching a show. After a while we both got hungry, but neither of us wanting to cook. So he ordered pizza. "So what are you going to be for Halloween?" Chris was making conversation. "A disappointment." I start chuckling at my own joke. "No I can't be that. I have to be something I'm not." Chris is now very worried, but slightly amused. "Okay... I don't know how to follow that." Chris just didn't know what to say. I grabbed a slice of pizza, took and bite and chewed.

Once I was done chewing, I decided to give him a real answer. "Honestly I have no idea if I even wanna dress up or not. I mean I already missed out on it for 3 years does it really matter if I don't do it." He had a little pout. "C'mon! You could go trick or treating, and go dressed up to school." I was considering it. "Okay but give me a week to decide. What are you going to do?" He looked at me. "I will be passing out Candy, because there is nothing else to do." I nodded. It was already 8, and I had to take a shower, and stuff.

"Okay Dad. I gotta get ready for bed. I got to go to sleep by 9:30, and it's 8 already. I'll be out to say goodnight." He looked at me strangely. "What?!? You're actually going to bed early." I chuckled. "Ha Ha Ha. Thank you for that." I hugged him, and left toward my room to get pajamas.

Recently I have been trying something new. I wanted to see how long I can last without cutting myself. So far I have 4 days, but I wanna make it to a week. I grab a white hoodie, and some black sweats. This time I had some Captain America socks.

I took my shower, brushed and braided my hair. I went back to the living room to find Chris isn't there. I checked his room, and there he was. Out like a light. I left him there, and went to my room. I layed down, and hoped to not get any nightmares. I let sleep consume me.

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