Some time later: Dae

Start from the beginning

"You know wrong, then. Your son never touched me but against my will, Stepfather. That you allowed that to happen under your nose merely shows how much power he had wrested from you."

"What? How dare you. My son never did anything without my knowledge."

I should be focusing on information that will help Weston, but I can't help it.

"So you were aware he was raping me from the age of sixteen. That he would share me with his men?"

"What?" he says again. "You are a liar, Dae. You always have been."

"No. But you are a foolish old man to have always believed Chul-moo. He would have plotted to over run you."

"He would have done no such thing."

"So you knew he was building contacts outside your own, and was developing the people smuggling, moving into auctions. Selling people as sex slaves?" I get it back onto what Weston needs. The thing is, though I'm baiting him, I do know he has always been aware of that side. Chul-moo only got into that at his father's insistence. The man just didn't want to have a direct contact to that, filthier, side of the business.

He walks right into it. "Of course I knew. Nothing happens in the Yi Family I do not know of, you foolish little boy. Everything Chul-moo did was at my instruction."

I have no idea if it's enough, but I'm sickened enough that it's going to have to be, turning to Daddy just to whisper, "Take me away, please."

After we've dropped the wire off with Weston, we go back to Dexter's apartment, because I don't want to be on my own.

"What do you need, Baby Boy?" He pulls me into a hug, and I know he can see that I need some closeness, but he's being careful, I guess because he doesn't want to trigger something bad in me. I can appreciate that, but right now I want to forget all the bad stuff that used to happen, and will never happen again, not now, and I want him to show me how precious I am to him. Not only something to be used, but somebody to be looked after.

"Can you- can you just be extra Daddy? I don't want to think."

"Okay, Baby. Daddy's in charge. You just remember your safewords – I want to know the moment anything becomes something you don't want. Can you be a good boy for me and promise?"

"Yes Daddy, I promise," I look up into his big, dark eyes, making sure to show how sincere I'm being.

I can feel the concerns and the pressure washing away, as he easily lifts me, taking me into the bedroom, slowly removing my suit, freeing me from the constricting tie, sliding the smooth cotton shirt off my shoulders, while I just stand, allowing him to work. I can see how much he likes taking care of me by the warm little smile and the cute crinkles by his eyes.

He carries me into the beautiful en-suite, gently placing me on the counter while he runs a deep, hot bath, dropping some oils that smell fresh and clean into the water. When he lowers me in, the water is sort of tingly, and I like it. It makes me wake up, and the tingles are touching me in all sorts of intimate places, as he firmly strokes his strong fingers over my shoulders and back, relaxing my tense muscles until I'm laying back, soft and boneless, as he kneels behind me, rolling my nipples in his pinched fingers, making me arch and roll.

Everything's very slow, very relaxed, but I'm getting increasingly riled up, wanting more. I know better than to demand though. I think he'd do something if I asked him to, but I don't want to let the brat out now, I'm enjoying seeing how he chooses what to do next. He's never taken his time like this before. Sure, he plays for hours, sometimes, building me up and watching me crash over and over again, using my body, instructing me, but there's demand in that, where this is soothing, gentle, even loving. I'm not desperate yet, because right now the feeling of him caring for me, and about me, is worth more than even an orgasm.

La Maison 2: Differences (Complete: BDSM mxm)Where stories live. Discover now