Chapter 4 - Born of Blood

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[Day 1] [9:15am]

I again banged my fist against the wooden door. “Karen…..Open the door”, shouted Aaron. The neighbours were gathering on the street behind. “I’m telling you that gunshot came from here, Karen would have opened the door by now”, screamed a worried Aaron as he began to smash his shoulder into the door frantically. The door wasn’t moving and as the tears began to role the effectiveness of the shoulder smashes diminished. “Adam is bigger, let him do it”, said Katy as she calmed Aaron and pulled him to the side.  An insensitive smile flashed on my face.  I kicked hard just next to the handle. The door flew open and smashed into the wall on the inside.  Aaron pushed me and Katy aside, ran into the hallway and screamed his sisters’ name. He could hear his sisters’ screams from above.

Katy and I ran in after and followed Aaron as he ran up the wooden staircase and straight into his sisters giant bedroom. I stopped immediately behind Aaron who was standing frozen staring at the eerie scene before him. Katy also came to a halt as all three of us stared at the dead man in the chair, the blood everywhere and a woman handcuf

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2012 ⏰

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