Chapter 17

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She could hear the whispers. The whispers of those who wander passed them on the street, those who flinch away, those who just stand and gawk outside their homes or through their windows. Not so silent whispers everywhere.

Their voices filled with repulsion and scorn, some with pity and some just had no damn clue. She sighs, its not like she was surprised by this, they knew this treatment was coming before they got here. Spiteful remarks like  'filthy humans', 'once a human always a human', 'go back to where you came from', 'traitor' and many more.

However, like hell was she going to let them undermine and intimidate her. She could handle high-school bitch cliques , so she damn well can handle these ignorant spirits, she worked hard to get to where she is now, she will not allow them to ruin it for her. She quares herself and keeps her large nozzle raised in bold confidence, a big screw you to all that dare to appose them. A rush of pride rushes through the bond from Haku and she peeks over at him, her large golden brown seeking his. His eyes silently shone towards her subtly, an ordinary pass-buyer probably wouldn't be able to tell, but she was his mate, she knew him better than anyone and she could practically feel him enjoying her sassy trait, she could feel that it had been growing on him.

Suddenly, she was knocked sideways slightly, an oncoming dragon spirit barging through between them purposely causing her to lose her footing, however, she holds firm and stands her ground. She looks back to see the dragon fly off in the air behind them. Was that suppose to be an equivalent of a shoulder shove? Tsk, immature much?

Suddenly, she was made a aware of Haku's state as she turned to voice her opinion, she freezes. Haku was livid, he shook violently, angry spiritual energy causes his silk hair to practically float, he was on the verge of snapping, his threatening snarls causing people to whisper more nonsense. She looks around at the amusement and fear that surrounds them and back to Haku, she has to calm him down, he cannot afford to start trouble here, lest he ruins his chances at the trial.

She sends him waves of calm through the bond, which slowly eases his violent shakes as she try's to beseech him "Haku, calm down I'm okay, we knew people were going to act this way before we got here, he's just trying to get a reaction out of us, I've dealt with worse in the human world, let it go" Haku stops shaking completely but continues to growl lowly and looks around for other threats within the crowd on the busy road causing other spirits to either flinch back or sneer judgementally.

"Haku please, you know you cant afford to be reckless here, you will get in more trouble than you already are, besides...being reckless and impulsive is usually my thing" she adds in cautious amusement causing Haku to look at her. Haku finally sighs and quells his growls completely and turns to continue on as if nothing happened, at least that is what it would look like from the outside.

"And here I was worried more that you were going to start up trouble...I'm more on edge than I thought, I'm sorry love...I'm supposed to be the responsible one" he whispers next to her so only she could hear.

"Its okay Haku, you have every right to feel on edge, its okay to not be okay you know, you don't have to always be strong, not in front of me..." she says sincerely.

"I know love, I know...but not right now..lets just go, we are almost at the steps" he responds in kind

She looks ahead once more and true to what he claims, the longest stair case she has ever seen in her life came into view causing her jaw to nearly hit the flaw. The steps were long and wide cascading and weaving up the mountain beyond an identical large gate, it was the same gate they saw when they got here. The mountain was an interesting sight to behold, not just because of the huge red and gold temple and watch towers that barely hid between the two peaks but because of the many caves the mountain had along the way up.

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