Chapter 4

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Dormant inside her forest she begins to awake at the satisfying feeling of the rising sun warming the canopies of her trees, she could sense her inhabitants begin to stir along with her as the sun continues to rise. She groans inside her tree as her awareness comes back at full force. Memories of the day before fill her mind, her romantic time with Haku, meeting Lilith her new instructor...crap!

With a jolt she practically jumps out of her tree and out of dormancy, she was so late. She runs through her forest hastily greeting the awaking spirits some ignored her and some bowed, some even waved n gave a polite greeting. With a huge smile on her face, she speeds faster through her thick bushes and rough terrain effortlessly, never stumbling.

Finally, she makes it to the meeting place and relief passes through her as she sees that Lilith wasn't here yet. With a satisfied sigh, she sits at her usual spot and soaks in the sunshine, feeling it seep into her pores and filling the semi-empty void in her body. There were still many things she didn't understand and she is glad she is going to finally get some answers. Suddenly, as if on cue the regal beauty emerged from her forest on the other side of Haku's river, a warm smile on her face as she makes her way across, to her surprise she did this by floating, Lilith could fly it seemed or at least float. She gawks as she finally landed gracefully next to her...and she couldn't help but ask.

"Will I be able to do that too?!" she asks excitedly as she gets up of the ground to stand by her.

Lilith gives her an amused smile "that all depends on what kind of forest spirit you are, but since you are a dragon spirit much like Kohaku here..." she gestures to Haku's river before continuing "then I dare say you probably could, I have known Ivy for many years, I won't lie there will be things even I would not be able to teach you, all spirits have their secrets and knowledge that they keep to themselves, however, I know enough to get you on your feet, then you and lover boy here can go on as many flying dates as you want" she explains cheekily with a wink.

With a slight blush, she nods "So...what do we do now?"

Lilith smiles "first I'm going to ask you a few questions just to see how much you already know of yourself" she sits her down and then sits next to her " tell me, what is your energy source?"

"energy source? don't spirits get their energies from their land or something? or do you mean in terms of food?" she asks a bit confused.

Lilith shakes her head in amusement  "there are two types of energy sources, yes we do get energy from our lands, however it isn't as simple as that, the lands energy capacity is as strong as its spirit, there is always a balance to everything Chihiro, the energy and magic you possess doesn't just reside from nowhere, just remember you are this forest, it is your body, your home, tell me, back when you were human, what would happen if you did not take care of yourself properly?" Lilith asks.

With a thoughtful look Chihiro's eyes narrow "we get sick and weak and all sorts of other problems," she says to the woman.

"Exactly, the same rules apply to this, humans eat to gain energy and to satisfy themselves, however it isn't quite the same as spirits, it is how we strengthen our essence, our magic, see it is quite the other way around, the forests gets its energy from us spirits, the stronger and healthier we are the stronger and healthier our forests I ask again, what is your energy source? or at least what you think it is, I understand your body isn't what it used to be and you may not understand...but at least try" Lilith explains and asks.

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