Chapter 5

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She couldn't help but worry for her new teacher, she may be new to everything spiritual and magic related but she definitely isn't stupid...something was clearly off. It has been an entire day since she saw her last and she didn't even turn up for her next lesson, she had waited for 2 whole hours before going back. An unsettling atmosphere practically radiates passed Haku's river and into Lilith's forest, even her own inhabitants sense it, so she definitely isn't going crazy.

She sighs and shakes her head to clear her thoughts then goes back to practising. The first lesson whilst it was cut short, she still managed to learn so much about herself and this comes with new things to work on, controlling her magic and figuring out how to use it in other ways, other than what she has been using it for so far. All she had known how to do was purify and keep her maintenance in check, but now a whole new world of possibilities and wonders have opened up to her whilst one half excited her the other half made her nervous.

She was still worried about the fact that she was harmful to others, being poisonous or toxic was definitely not on her list of superpowers she wanted when she was a kid, and that still hasn't changed, however it has happened and so she has to figure out a way to control that too...but how? With a sigh she realizes her mind had accidentally wandered again so she shakes her head and decides to put it to the back of her mind, instead, she focuses on the magic she was most excited about, her plant magic. 

She places her hands on the ground in a decently lush green clearing she had stumbled upon yesterday on her way back to her tree. With a deep breath she closes her eyes as she recalls how it felt when she created that tulip, but instead of imagining one lone tulip she tries to picture a large field of them of all different colours, red, yellow, pink, and white. How brow creased in concentration, it was different to last time, it didn't take this long, although she was trying something on a larger scale than one little tulip. After a little while, she had found that sweat had traced her forehead as she finally felt the familiar and thrilling tingles rush through her body and into her arms, unlike last time she was able to open her eyes and what she saw nearly stopped her heart in amazement and awe...

She was covered all over in a soft green glow as green firefly-looking sparkles floated into the air from her...this...was her magic,   but that was not the only thing that amazed her, there she sat with her glowing green hands to the ground as tulips began to grow all over the clearing in bundles of pink, white and yellow, with an occasional red. Haku's presence enters her mind completely, curious at first, his presence was really strong so she could tell that meant he was seeing through her eyes just as she did with him at the party in his river. Suddenly his feelings welled up inside of her, awe, amazement, love and pride.

"Stay right there love I will be right over," he says to her in her mind before fading out from their bond. 

She takes her hands off of the ground and the magic recedes the glow that was around her dispersing, however to her surprise, unlike last time she found herself breathing heavily and quite shaky, she is exhausted. By the time she notices Haku's white long form in the sky above her, she was already sprawled out on her back in the field of newly made tulips, still tired from what she just accomplished. She was even so tired that it took her a while to register the strong gust of wind and the large shadow that loomed over her, the only reason she realized was the long wet dragons tongue that soaked her cheeks.

"Eek! Haku..hahaha!" she screeches and struggles to breathe as her mate's large reptilian tongue continues to ravish her face and neck, she hears his familiar throaty chuckle and senses his pride and amusement through the bond, however, that suddenly changed into concern which made him stop his barrage of tongue attacks to her face.

Finally, she manages to catch her breath and after wiping her arm over her eyes to rid of some of the drool from her face she opens her eyes to find her beloved white dragon studying her his large head tilted to the side, he basically had her pinned underneath him. He still had amusement twinkling in his large green eyes however she could see the worry and concern seep in warring to replace it, she leans up slightly to press a kiss to his nozzle. A purr escapes from him as he leans his head back down and nuzzles her neck, his smooth underbelly suddenly dropping on top of her as he lay partially on her with his talons on each side of her head, she was surprised to find that his weight wasn't as crushing as she thought it would be.

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