Chapter 7

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They were walking back towards Haku's river hand in hand, her mind consumed with worry for her mate. From the story Lilith just told them she finally realised just how dire their situation is, not only do they have the dragon elders to worry about but Ashton as well now too. Through the bond she could feel Haku try to soothe her, the waves of ease were basically the only thing from keeping her from either finding Ashton herself and ripping his throat out, which was a feeling she was not used to, well...not to this extent anyway...and breaking down in panic.

This kind of anger was not her usual icy-ness, this was completely primal, this was definitely her new dragon instincts coming to play, she could feel the low vibrations in her chest and throat, she was growling. The walk back was tense and quiet, she could tell Haku wanted to say something but he remains quiet his thumb rubbing circles into her hand. When they finally reach his river she sighs, she knew she needed to calm down, however, the anger for the ex-guardian and worry for her mate were strong, she didn't want anything to happen to Haku, she would never forgive herself.

Suddenly a new feeling wells up, uselessness...she wants to be able to protect him just like he has with her, however, she was only just created and she was weak...she was like a baby foal on wobbly legs learning to walk, or should she say dragon, she was practically a baby in this world. With a sigh she turns around and then throws herself backwards and plops into Haku's river, leaving him stunned by the sudden action, his water caresses her sending her soothing sensations with its currents, as she recalls the what her mentor said earlier.


She sits on a small tree root, Haku taking his place beside her holding her protectively for some reason, suddenly her dragon turns his head to Lilith "I know you haven't told me everything yet, so start" he says curtly.

She was about to reprimand him however the forest spirit spoke first "very well then... it all started during our last lesson, my inhabitants grew uneasy and my other half warned me of an intruder, I recognised him immediately and was wary. I had not seen my old friend for many years...when he became a guardian we fell out of touch with each other, he had changed, before then we used to be like family. At first he was the Ashton I once knew asking how I was and what I've been up to all this time, however I could tell something was off, that's when he told me he needed my help. For old times sake I agreed at first...but after he braught up you guys he changed into a completely different person." Lilith's eyes suddenly clouded, worry tainting her usually expressive eyes, with a deep shaky breath she continues.

"His eyes held nothing but hatred and malice, he tried to convince me to help him with his schemes against you two, he blames you two for his exile and strongly despises you Chihiro, he believes that you don't deserve to be here...I knew he disliked humans and the old me might have helped him, I too used to dislike humans a long time ago...You see, Ashton wasn't alway like this, in fact he was kind of a bit like you Kohaku, maybe a bit more outgoing though." she says with a small smirk before once again continuing on.

"Before he became a guardian he was an ordinary river spirit, the strongest of his time...that was until the humans had polluted him, he suffered for many years trying to save himself, it was a long process, he eventually grew ill, and was desperate, he tried to beg the humans to clean up the mess they made, tried to make a deal with them but the humans back then were greedy and cunning and didn't take nicely to the supernatural, so the humans made a deal, they would clean out his river but in order for his so-called safety, he had to temporarily leave. In return for their service they made him promise to provide the riches of his river, however, he thought they meant fish and to provide them with water, little did he know they had a different agenda. He was still sick and he realised he wasn't getting any better, he was getting worse, he was practically dying. By the time he got back to his river it was gone, it was filled in and an inn was being created over the top. It broke him, he confronted the humans and all they said was that he said he would provide them with riches and that-that was exactly what he did, by clearing his river and building an inn over it, it was going to make them a lot of cash. Ashton was then left to die, however he was stubborn, he pleaded to the goddess of life to save him for many moons, after a while the goddess finally heeded his plea and saw potential in him, so she created him again giving him great power to be used for the peace of both worlds" she explains.

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