Chapter 16

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The vibe around them remained tense and awkward as they made their way through Lilith's forest. She had almost forgotten that she was going to check up on her yesterday, before haku had attacked her to force her transformation on her. Her claws clumsily dug into the ground and tree roots as they awkwardly make their way closer to were Lilith was held captive.

Haku had barely said two words to her, however, he didnt have to, for her to know what was on his mind, the bond made it all too obvious and she couldnt help but feel the same who was she kidding? She is barely used to this life and she is already having to worry about pushing eggs out of whatever hole haku had prodded into earlier that night. As the thought came to her she looked to haku beside her who was now in his human form and noticed the nervous shiver run through his body, despite his calm pokerfaced facade he was trying to pull off.

He was still in shock about the whole thing, the fact had  slipped his mind completely and all the consequenses of their actions were now catching up to the both of them. She could tell he was scared, she could only make out little bits and pieces of his anxious thoughts as they swirled through the bond hundreds at a time like a tornado. He believes the timing would be terrible...if she actually did get pregnant from their unprotected stupidity. Sure they enjoyed it, but he believes they rushed things too quickly and she cant help but agree. She cant even fathom to explain to even herself what that was, it just came out of nowhere and she couldnt control it. It just happened.

Finally, after what felt like ages, they finally arrive at the magical prison that withheld the sleeping forest spirit, and the sick dying forest that surrounds her, at first glance she looked like a corpse, if it wasn't for the rise and fall of her chest she might as well be. Seeing her new friend like this was agony and frustration builds up inside her.

"Has there really been no word from any of the guardians yet??" she huffs a gravely low growl which turned into a whimper.

Haku swallowed deeply as he made his way to her side to rest his forhead to her furry brown cheek, his fingers combing through the fur on the other cheek "Not yet love...".

A stronger growl escapes her throat "what the hell are they doing?? This is not fair!...she is one of the first friends I made since becoming like this...haku...must we really have to go? Screw the dragon elders, they can go to hell..."

"You already know the answer to that my love...we must go...we have done all we can for her, we have our own problems to deal with that need to be cleared up....Especially if..if there is any might know.." her large reptilian eyes focused on his face, he looked down to the floor his dark bangs covering most of his face, however she could of sworn he was blushing crimson. Indeed a rare sight to behold, however, probably not the most appropriate time or place to be having this conversation.

She huffs a sigh, she knows he's right, but it didnt make it any less hard. All they can do now is head off with their escort and pray that the guardians get here in time and that by the time they get back Lilith will be just as she was when they first met, the true meaning of elegance and earthy beauty.

"I know..." she huffs in defeat.

"We should get a move on, the escort will be expecting us, whilst we are there stay in your dragon form, it might ease the others minds as well as ease any pressure they might want to put against you" Haku explains as he gives her a final pat on the cheek before stepping off and changes into his dragon form next to her.

"Well its not like I have much of a choice here, I kind of have no clue how to turn back..." she huffs "anyways...lead the way".

Haku gives one last nod of his head and one last affection nuzzle to cheek with his snout, before lifting up into the air heading upwards towards the canopy of the trees. She follows after him though quite more clumsily at first, only finding her proper rhythm after breaking through the tree tops and into the sky above.

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