Chapter 8

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She stands at the base of her Camphor tree trying to brace herself for what was about to happen, for what she was about to do. Her beloved dragon had explained to her what and how to cut ties with other spirits, to cast them out. However, he warned her that it wasn't a pleasant experience, he said it will feel like a part of her is dead until she cleanses and purifies their old physical bodies whether it be a tree, bush or shrub.

Animal spirits, however, he said are a lot easier, mainly because their tie to her lands are different from those that are directly connected to her soil. By law, she has to make sure they are reasonably purified before sending them on their way, which can be difficult depending on the spirit or strength of the caster. It was necessary so they couldn't infect other spirits in the area and she definitely didn't wanna make any more enemies, she wanted to make a good impression. With a sigh, she stretches her arms as she awaits their arrival.

"You will be fine, everything will be fine...Haku will come if there is can do this you are the ice queen, bring out the inner queen" she says giving herself a pep talk.

Suddenly she feels a presence spike from her right, someone was coming and the dark miasma she felt from it made her insides twist in nausea as it left a trail of corruption throughout her forest. However, it didn't last for long as she felt Hakus presence through the bond sending her his protective magic and then thankfully she began to feel a lot better, the corrupted miasma couldn't touch her anymore. She had just sent Haku her appreciation through the bond when a voice erupts from beside her.

"Look at the wee-little human trying to cheer herself up, standing where Madam Ivy once stood, playing pretend in a world where she doesn't belong, where she will never belong because once a human always a human" the cold voice calls out, sending shivers through her spine.

She could feel the hatred that she knew was based on lies and deceit, finding her inner ice queen she stands her ground and as calmly as she could, turns to face the spirit in question. There, leaning against a tree with no care to the damage he is causing was the first corrupted spirit to arrive. As she took a good look at him, even though this was their first meeting it was suddenly like they had known each other for years as her forest informed her his entire life's story. She could tell he used to be a decent looking fellow, his clear blue eyes almost glowed in contrast of his sickly pale skin and long black hair which was knotted and sticking to the parts of the skin that was beginning to decay.

By all means, he wasn't as bad as Shigeru was back when she first met him, but he definitely needed help, she quietly curses that damned Guardian traitor. Anger builds within her, not at the human-hating spirit in front of her, but for the one who was too gutless to face her himself and was willing to ruin these poor spirits lives just to get to her and Haku. As sad as she was for the deceived spirit she couldn't just back down either, channelling the familiar sense of icy anger, she then transforms it into strength.

"You must be Seito the wolf spirit, Ivy gave that name to you, didn't she? I may be new to all this and yes I was human, however, I am not human anymore, and as we speak I am learning more and more about you." She states to him as the spirits memories and ivys memories of the wolf spirit flow through her.

"You were one of her most loyal companions, her protector...and I can understand your grief, but you have been corrupted through lies and rumours which then puts me in a very unpleasant position as the new spirit of this forest. Ivy entrusted this forest to me, it was her dying wish that I take over for her, so how do you think she would feel to see you like this?".

Seito growls "what does it matter now what she thinks when she is dead, no thanks to dare you speak as if you know her, I refuse to let you taint her lands, your not worthy of succeeding her, and its not just me that thinks that...perhaps I should do everyone a favour and rid of your filth once and for all".

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