Prologue - Zombie King

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But she resisted, leaning against the wall to continue observing the battle. It became hectic quite quickly. Aria couldn't help but keep an eye on the man and the people around him. She could tell that they were part of an elite team, they were also the group that was separated earlier.

Watching the mech in the front of the group make a great move using his large mechanical arms to sweep the swarm of zombies away, she was duly impressed.

Mechs were quite popular a century ago due to The Big War which wiped out half the world's population. Soon after the effects of the war were clearly felt throughout the globe. Although the population decreased significantly, the land was so damaged after that the problem of food production was glaringly obvious.

Each countries' budgets were quickly shifted to new types of farming, agriculture, medicine, and energy. The war is over, the global population is cut in half, and the remaining survivors are dying of drought and hunger. Who knew that when the world reached its height of peace, technological and medical advancements, and overall good health, a supernatural event occurred across the globe.

So although the militaries in each country are still doing important research on mechs throughout the decades, the interests teetered out and less people are knowledgeable enough to utilize a mech body. Old mech were either found in museums or scrapped and recycled for parts.

To see these two mechs in the wild at this time and age is quite novel.

Sounds of helicopter blades can be heard in the distance. It looks like the group of people here will be saved after all. The two mechs quickly created a bridge for the group to get onto the roof before the two men inside the mechs got out themselves. Each quickly touched their mechs to store into their storage mech ring. The group of people are temporarily safe on top of the roof as they await the helicopter's descent.

Aria's eyes were immediately attracted to one of the men who previously controlled a sleek black mech. This man was quick, strong, and solid. His lightning ability is sharp and fatal to the enemies around him. Although the lower half of his face was covered, his deep set eyes were dark and penetrating surrounded by dark thick lashes. His eyebrows were thick and clean on his smooth forehead.

This type of male body didn't use to be her ideal body before the Zombie Apocalypse.

He was too big and masculine compared to her 5'3"; coming in at 6'2" or 6'3" with large wide shoulders and arms, a well muscled solid waist, and strong sturdy legs.

Her taste used to lean towards the weaker pretty flower boys that looked gentle and educated. Handsome and harmless.

Now, even though she couldn't see this man's full face, she'd bet he was as attractive as she imagined based on his physique and upper facial structure. Too bad he might die like the rest of this group.

He was protecting and staying close to the other man that Aria couldn't put a name to when the situation got worse as she'd predicted. The Zombie King was now in sight of the group and its power over the mindless minions are magnified.

They all started to swarm into the building the survivors are standing on. At this time the large helicopter was directly above the group. One by one the team grabbed onto the rope ladder and pulled themselves up.

The large man was still with the familiar faced man and because she was paying close attention to them both as they were the last two up the ladder as the helicopter ascended, she noticed the familiar faced man suddenly turned his body and cut the large man's hands with a hidden knife in his sleeve. The large man's hand slipped and he turned to look at the familiar faced man in disbelief and anger. The familiar faced man then smiled as he lifted his hand with the hidden knife towards the large man's other hand.

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