Trouble in paradise?

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2 months later


It has been 2 months since the wedding and they were out of the honeymoon faze. Things were getting more serious arguments were starting to happen and true colors were starting to be shown.

Of course the love and happiness was still there, all couples had arguments and it wasn't anything they couldn't get through.

The only issue they had was when King took over the business officially it also took over his life she felt like she rarely saw him and on the occasions she did they would often argue about it.

King felt bad but there was nothing he could do he had just took over the business so he had a point to prove so he had to be on top of his game.

Sevyn tried to not focus on his disappearance to much so she put her focus on school and art, whenever she got free time she would work on starting her art business and spending time with Tiara and Kiara.

The blood test came back positive for Paris she felt like the mom just wanted child support since they never really got to see her, so at the moment they were also dealing with a custody battle her mom didn't want Paris anywhere near Sevyn.

Sevyn didn't do anything to her but if she wanted to be spiteful and jealous that was on her, she shouldn't put a child through all of the back and forth during court meetings just for some money.

She was trying to get 50,000 a month for a 3 year old like honey please sit your ass down.

Sevyn didn't know why Melody wanted to go through a custody battle anyways.

She was obviously on drugs anybody with sense knows that King is going to get full custody since Melody is a crackhead.

Scrolling through her iPad Sevyn looked at several different houses she would consider moving into.

She wanted something a little bit smaller because she wanted it to feel like home. All these empty rooms made her feel uncomfortable especially with her being the only one there most the time.

It was going on 3am and she had a bad case of insomnia so Netflix played on the flat screen while a bag of hot Cheetos sat next to her.

Everybody was sleep and she had invited Tiara and Kiara over way to many times to invite them over again so she was just by herself.

Maybe I'll get a pet

She thought to herself  while she looked at her phone not a single notification.

Post a picture to get his attention speaking to nobody in general she scrolled through her camera roll trying to find one that would catch his eye.

Sevyn knew what she was doing because she knew King had her notifications on.

Sevyn knew what she was doing because she knew King had her notifications on

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