Chaper Nine FINAL

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Bianca's POV

"No! No more! Stop!" The girl yelled as one of the men had his way with her in the other room. She was so loud is was haunting. Then I heard a banging on the door and I knew it was time. "POLICE open up!" I heard at the front door. "Stay here." The men told us and we did as we where told we hind in a closet in our bar and underwear." Daren opened the door to the police and asked what the problem was. "Daren Wells we have a warrant for your arrest. Place your hands behind your back." Micheal said to him.

Micheal's POV

I placed Daren in hand cuffs and me and the swat team went through the whole house looking for the girls. We arrested the other men and found the girls and prince in a closet. In their undergarments. "It's ok I'm with the police." They started crying and I helped them to the ambulance to get checked out. They all got checked out and where all fine except one girl she needs to be taken to the ER. We placed the girls in foster care until we can locate there family and Bianca and prince are coming home to live with us.

Later that night I took Bianca and prince home to get settled in. We walked in the house and dad, my brothers and Carissa where all sitting at the table talking. They clearly didn't hear us walk in as they kept talking. "Guys I have some news, Bianca will be permanent living with us. So you will be nice and welcoming. Got it?" He told my siblings. As I got there attention by clearing my throat they all looked up at us. "Bianca! It's so good to see you sweetie." Dad greeted her then looked at prince. "And who's this little guy?" He said smiling at him, prince buried his head in Bianca's shoulder. "This is prince." Then Carissa interrupted "So Bianca let me show you to your room. Prince has his own room. We'll show you that too." She put on a fake smile. We all walked her up stairs too prince's nursery. We walked in and she looked nervous. "What's wrong?" Dad asked her. "Well I just never let him out of my sight. I don't want anything to happen to him." She said looking at him. "What's wrong mommy?" Prince asked looking at Bianca. "Nothing honey. Not a thing." She said smiling. "Ok well since dad won't let me go to a party alone, let's go Bianca!" Carissa said. "Oh yeah let me just leave my baby. Um not happening." Bianca responded. "I'll watch him. Besides next week you start school so have some fun!" Dad chimed in.

Bianca's POV

Me and Carissa went to this party and she was a fake the whole time. But I guess this is my life now, I'm not being used, not being held against my will, my son is safe. I could get use to this. Just me and my son against the world.

Thank you so much for everyone who read my book! If you want maybe a part two, like her in like her 20's and Daren gets out of jail. Let me know! But read my new book TRUST NO ONE!

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