Chapter Five

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Chapter five

Bianca's POV

It was after school and I met up with that boy I was talking with at lunch, Bradley. I was going to go down on him for doing my homework. "Hey baby. You ever gotten head before?" I asked him starting a conversation. He looked nervous but said yes. "Good. Now I'm gonna show you a good time ok Bradley?" I said to him getting on my knees.  Maybe Carissa was right but at this point in my life I don't care. Ever since I was seven this is what I've ever known. I started undoing his pants. "Bianca get up." I heard from behind me. Bradley got scared and ran off. Then I turned around to see officer William's standing there. "I was just paying him back for the homework he did for me." I told Michael he looked disappointed. I got up off my knees and walked with him to his car. He was silent the whole ride home. "Bianca you need to respect yourself. Your not someone these boys can take advantage of. I know your mom thought you that this life was ok but it's not and you need to know that doing that kind of stuff so boys will do your homework isn't ok. Your worth more then that." He told me before getting out of the car and going into the house. I walked into the house and saw all of Carissa's friends and they started laughing. I just rolled my eyes and started to think about what officer William said. Then Carissa walked in. "What are you doing here? We're trying to do cheer practice." She said to me but I didn't realize so she tried to get my attention again. "Hello! Whore!" She said getting louder. I was sitting at the dining room table but as soon as she said whore I got up. Then her brothers came in from the other room. "Hey what's the problem?" Jason asked. "Call me that one more time." I said calmly. Then Officer William's grabbed my shoulder knowing how my temper can be. "Call you what a whore!" She said laughing with her friends. "Carissa other room now!" Justin said in a stern tone. Her smile faded and she walked with Justin to the other room. I walked to another room with officer William and his other brother's where there father sat at a desk. It was kinda weird but my life was anything but normal. Being in a room with all these boys reminds me of what Kevin has me do. I all of a sudden got nervous. My heart beating fast, my mouth got dry. "Bianca are you ok sweetie?" There dad said walking up to me. "Yes sir. I'm fine." I said politely. He look concerned but went back to his desk and started to talk. "So Bianca. I have something to tell you and Carissa. So I'll wait till she's in here." He said. We wait for about five minutes. Then Carissa and Justin walked in. Carissa had a different vibe to her. I couldn't quiet put my finger on it. "Ok well now that you're all here I've been meaning to tell you all that Bianca is going to be permanently staying with us." There father said with a smile my nerves calmed down and I got a glimpse of hope. "Really? Wait what's the catch?" I said looking curious because well there's always something. "I want to tell you a story. When I was about twenty I meet the most perfect girl. Long curly brown hair, blue eyes, and freckles. Great personality. We had four boys and two girls together. But when we had our last girl she became addicted to drugs. She took my baby girl and left with her drug dealing boyfriend." As he talked I realized who he was talking about. I looked around and thought I have siblings. I have an actual family. "But she always sent a picture of my baby's school photo." Then he pulled out a box and opened it. It was a photo of me when I was little. I looked so innocent, so alive. I smiled looking down at the photo of seven year old me. "I remember this day. Kevin asked if we could have our first alone time together. At least that's what he called it. I came home from school and got an A on my history test. I was so excited because that's my worst subject. Mom and him told me 'girls don't need school. So if I come home with one more A I'll be sorry. I was to scared to find out what they meant. But my punishment that time was to spend an hour with him alone." I said with tears in my eyes. "Wait I want to meet mom!" Carissa said excited for some reason. "Carissa, honey that's not a good idea. She's not in the right place of mind anymore. She was a great woman but not anymore." There dad, well I guess our dad said. "No daddy I want to meet her. Please! Bianca can take us." She said pointing to me. I just looked down I don't think it's a good idea but if she really wants to go why not. "Fine but your brothers will go with you as well. You guys stick together its not the best area." Our dad said. Witch he's not wrong it's actually really bad.

It was the weekend and we started driving to my house. "Get ride of your chain, Tyler and Micheal, try not to look like a cop ok? Oh and Carissa don't talk till we get inside the apartment." I told tell as we pulled into the apartment complex parking lot. We got out of the car when my friend came over to say hey and to see where I had been. "Bianca! Where have you been?" My best friend Tawana said walking up to me. "Girl it's a long story. But I got to go talk to my mom real quick. I'll be right back." I told her trying to get them inside as soon as possible. I started walking up the stairs of the apartment complex and once I got to my moms door I opened it up to my mom sitting on the couch. "Oh your whore ass has some nerve showing back up here. What do you want?" My mother said to me. "Your other children want to see you." I said not phased by her words. She looked at them and didn't have a care in the world. "Why what do they want?" "Ok I don't have time for this." I said walking to the door. She got me with a statement that sent me over the edge. "Kevin misses you. I guess he was right, it doesn't matter how many guys you sleep with you'll always be his." She said laughing. Micheal looked pissed and so did my other brothers. But Carissa looked confused. "That's if we're leaving!" Micheal said to us but I wasn't ready at this point I wanted to tell her my mind. "No. You wanted to meet mom this is her a lowlife, dead beat, alcoholic, drunk. She has done nothing but sold me to men for there pleasure and bought alcohol and drugs with the money at my expense so there! That's our mother for you." She got up and Kevin walked out of the bedroom. He looked like he just woke up. He walked up to me and grabbed me by me hair from behind my ear. Bringing me closer to him. "Be a good little slut and make us some food and-" then Micheal handcuffed him. "What are you doing?" He said confused. "Sir you are under arrest for human trafficking, assault, and endangering a minor." Micheal said and started reading him his rights then called for back up. As soon as backup came Michael sat Kevin in the back of the squad car. I felt a sign of relief but also nervousness knowing I'll have to testify in front of people and tell them what I'd done with all those men.

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