Chapter Six

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Chapter six

Bianca's POV

I was in the police station and they where interviewing me. "Hi Bianca I'm detective Reagan and this is detective Wallace. Can you describe what Kevin Skroski made you do on the night of December ninth of last year?" They asked me as I sat in the interrogation room. I remember that night like it happened yesterday. "I begged him. No Kevin please I don't want to. I'll do anything! Just not this not again. I told him but he wouldn't listen. He forced me on the bed. No. No. I yelled I screamed! He laughed then punched me in the eye. Then force himself inside of me. But I couldn't move it was like, like. Please, please I don't want to talk about this anymore. I feel gross every time I even think about it." I said crying. "It's ok Bianca take your time." Detective Regan told me. I wiped my eyes then started again. "When he was done he told me 'fix your face I have more guys coming in and your beautiful when your not crying.' He laughed then walked out."

Princeton POV

I stood behind the one way glass as Me Michael and my other sons watched Bianca tell the detective's what Kevin had done to her.  I started to cry and my sons conferred me. Except for Justin, he stayed home with Carissa. I wanted to go in there and help my daughter. She had no one, not a single person to help her but at the same time barley knew me. "Micheal can you go in there she trusts you." I asked Micheal he did as I asked. I just watch through the one way glass. "Hi detectives I'm her oldest brother Micheal. Hey sweetie would you feel more comfortable if I left?" He asked her she looked embarrassed. "Listen Bianca. Anything he made you do is nothing you should be embarrassed of or ashamed of."

Justin's POV

"Hey Justin can I ask you a question?" Carissa walked up to me as I watched Law and Order. "Yeah what's up?" I responded to her she sat next to me. "What is human trafficking?" She asked me. Then I heard the rest of my family walk in from the police station. Thank god I don't know if dad wants me to tell her. "Hey how did it go?" I asked my dad. "Not to good. I mean Kevin is definitely going away for along time but Bianca's going to have to testify and I don't know if she's ready." Dad told me then Bianca walked in she looked like she was crying. "Well I believe in her. But you're going to want to talk to Carissa because she has a lot of questions." I told him then walked away.

Carissa's POV

It was dinner time and we where all eating Bianca was just looking at her plate. She never really eats, and my brothers where talking amongst themselves. So I thought why come out and say what I've been meaning to tell everyone. "Ok so I've been thinking and I want to be a stripper!" I said with enthusiasm and a laugh. Dad looked up from his plate with an expression of confusion and anger on his face. "Wait what?" He said "Well they make a lot of money and it's better then what Bianca's doing." I said then looked at Bianca. "Being a prostitute, really? Have some respect for yourself." I said laughing and looking at there faces I was only joking but they haven't been paying any attention to me to notice. So I had to do something to get my dad and brothers attention. "I mean don't get me wrong you're very pretty and you have a great figure but no one will like you since you've slept with-" my dad cut me off "Carissa! Other room now!" My dad said pointing to the living room as he got up. I walked out of the dining room and into the living room. "Why are you acting like this?This isn't like you." My dad asked. "All you guys have been doing is paying attention to Bianca oh poor Bianca, my poor baby girl. Maybe you forgot but I'm your babygirl I'm your daughter. I've been here the whole time she got here last week!" I said raising my voice. My dad looked shocked. "I'm sorry honey I didn't know you felt that way. But you can't treat people like that because your upset." My dad told me. "Whatever I'm going upstairs. I'm inviting the cheer team back over to practice since it's Friday night can they sleepover?" I asked. "Sure." He said as I went upstairs and he went back to the table. As soon as I knew it the doorbell rang and I raced down our three story house to get the door. I opened it to see the cheerleading team witch are also my friends. "Come on in let's go to the gym upstairs and practice there." I told them. We headed upstairs and I started talking "Did you here what me and Victoria are going to do? Bianca has long hair almost down to her hips so I thought when she falls asleep me and Victoria would sneak into her room and cut it." They all laughed and agreed.

It was about 1am and Bianca was asleep so me and  Victoria got up with my phone ready to record and went into Bianca's room. I had never been in her room before it was so girl considering my dad let her design it. She had her stuffed animals and her American girl dolls. She a lot softer then she appears. "Ok let's do this and get out of here." Victoria said giggling a little bit. I gave her the scissors and she cut a chunk of hair out of Bianca's head and we left. The next morning we heard Bianca cry I peaked down stairs to see what the situation looked like and Bianca was sitting at the kitchen table crying hold the hair we had cut I kinda felt bad. But to make myself feel better I told myself she stole my dad so why should I fell bad. She was sitting alone then went to the bathroom. I thought she was looking at how bad it was. Then I heard her talking to herself. "Mom was right, you'll never be as skinny, or as pretty, or as tall, as the other girls. Your just a whore." She told herself. I thought to myself for a minute. She's gorgeous, actually way to skinny, and to be honest has a genuinely nice personality. God what have I done. I don't know what had gotten into me but I walked up to the bathroom door and knocked. "Bianca can I come in?" I heard her sniffle then she responded. "Please just go way." Then I heard my friends get up and walk downstairs. "Carissa what are you doing up so early? It's 6:50 in the morning." Victoria said with the whole cheer team behind her. "Oh nothing I... um just go upstairs I'll be there in a minute." I told them and they went up. "Bianca open the door." I told her. I heard the door unlock and she opened the door. As she came out I held my laughter in. "You're lucky you got money because if we were in the Bronx you'd get your ass beat." She told me. "Then do it." I said not phased. Then she hit my in the jaw. "What the hell!" I yelled then my brothers woke up. "What's going on down here?" Micheal asked in a stern tone. "She punched me!" I said holding my mouth. "I'm done. She cut my hair. You know what I'm leaving." She said then took out her phone and stared dialing someone's number. "Hey pick me up on the corner. Where the pimp's hang out." She told the person on the other line.

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