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"He was a hybrid like me, it was so strange to hang out since we shouldn't get along because he was a rabbit. And to be honest at first we really didn't but after getting to know each other, we became best friends in no time," Taehyung smiles lightly at the thought of his bunny friend.

The human sees the happy and gentle look on hybrid's face. The wolf's eyes became a mix of many colors, they remained blue like before with hints of green and a bit of purple flowing in them. "You must have really liked him," a smile forms on the older one's face while looking at the now a bit happier guy.

"Indeed," hums the younger and the brown haired guy feels bad for ruining the moment but decides to ask the other alpha to continue the story. "Well we took others with us that day as well but even if you have good dreams one day there will always be nightmares they say," continues the black haired hybrid and sighs lightly, not daring to look into the human's eyes he tries to find the words to continue.

After moments of silence Taehyung finally looks into other guy's eyes and at that moment the older just wants to pull the young hybrid into a tight hug. Looking at the face that's frustratingly stating back at him with eyes already full of sparkling tears.

"Soon after we ran away people came after us. Jungkook suggested the idea and the two of us ran into the opposite direction, away from other hybrids and of course like all his plans this one worked like magic," the guy's lips turn upwards while his eyes keep on holding onto the purple shade.

"We were finally free, for the first time in our lifes we were able to be careless and enjoy our lifes. We ran around playing hide and seek, jumping over whatever was in our way and just enjoying it all. We were young and playful... But being young means you are also reckless and inexperienced..." he stops and looks at the sealing, his blueish eyes full of pain.

"It was on that very day, we were playing around as usual.. Jumping and laughing at each other, just like we always did. But then I got hungry-" The wolf doesn't get to finish his sentence before Yoongi suddenly jumps forward a bit and interrupts him.

He out of nowhere yells at Taehyung while holding his head. "You fucking ate him?!?! Wasn't he your friend?!? How can you eat a friend?!?!?!" A human screams out in confusion, making the black haired guy flinch at the loud and strong voice.

"N-no! Of course I didn't eat him! We decided to go and find something I could eat!" The guy speaks up in an annoyed voice, waiting for the brown haired human to settle down once again before he speaks up and continues telling the story.

"How could you even think that? I might be a wolf but I have boundaries and a reasonable state of mind too you know?" the younger alpha sighs before explaining the rest. "After some time of searching he pointed at the goat. I didn't understand why it was in the middle of the forest. Now that I think about it again, I should have known it was a trap..." He shakes his head while still looking at the floor, not sure if he can actually look at the other male.

"I got closer to it and was about to attack when suddenly I heard a loud shot from behind me..." he stops when his eyes tear up once again. "I turned around... The humans from the lab were there... T-they had my bunny..." Taehyung stops when he feels his tears start running down his face.

"I ran after them as they started leaving... I could see that they didn't shoot him with a normal bullet but with the one that had tranquilizer in it... They put him in a big cage.. I yelled to him that I would come save him but the humans turned around and looked at me.." The wolf's tears fall from his face and onto the floor. For a minute he can't continue, the memories coming back from the day he lost his best friend. He can once again hear his best friend's cries in his head. Grabbing himself by the hair he finally makes direct eye contact with the older alpha's sad brown eyes.

"When they were about to grab their weapons, Jungkook smiled at me. He told me to run and save myself.. He told me to be free.. He said that he will be okay.. And with that his eyes got shut close... After seeing my best friend falling asleep, I ran far away from that place, but decided to take revenge for him," the beast's eyes slowly turn from blue to dark red as tears stop and with a hurtful gaze, he continues to look at Yoongi.

The human wants to do something to help the younger one out but isn't sure what he even is allowed to. Slowly reaching out his hand, he is about to touch the other's shaking knees but with one more look at the black haired male's eyes, he pulls it back to himself.

Taehyung wipes away the water drops that were left on his face. "After that I went around looking for him everywhere. I heard that the lab we were living at, sold most of their hybrids to the hybrid shops all over the world. So I ran around in search for him.. But no matter where I looked I couldn't find him.." explains the hybrid with a hurt voice while shaking his head slowly.

"That was when I met my previous 'owner'. I never wanted to be near humans ever again but.. He was really nice to me. I was hungry from running around and searching for my bunny so I didn't have anything to eat. When he gave me food, I started thinking that maybe not all humans are bad," the younger's face remains emotionless while speaking.

He looks down the human's body and back up to meet his eyes with an uninterested and disgusted glare. "Wrong.." he continues with a lifeless voice while running his fingers down the scars that were covering his body. "As soon as I decided to trust him, that guy pulled a knife on me," says the wolf again with a blank face.

The older wanted to say something but didn't find the right words for anything, so he decided to just keep on listening to the hybrid. "I was trapped and aboused inside his basement for almost 3 years for doing literally nothing wrong.. His reason for abusing me was 'because I was a hybrid and he could do anything to me'," explains the younger with angry red eyes.

"Then one day something in me just snapped and I turned into my wolf form, I don't know what happened but when I got back to my senses I realized that he was already laying dead," the wolf says proud of himself and that kind of creeps the brown haired guy out, making him shift in place a bit.

The hybrid moves a bit closer, his eyes keeping focus on Yoongi. "Not even I wanted to do that but if I didn't I would probably still be trapped there if not dead. But to be honest it felt great to finally take revenge," explains the alpha with a big grin covering his face.

"That was the moment I decided to kill people and to NEVER trust them ever again. Not after they took away MY bunny and did all of those horrible things to me.." explaining with a disgusted look on his face, the wolf's eyes continue to scan the other male's body dangerously.

"You are all nothing but monsters that would do anything for money and your own pleasure..."


So that's it for this part, hope you liked finding out about Taehyung's dark past

So now do you think he will be able to turn his view of humans around??

Or will he keep believing his own thoughts and not give humans a chance anymore??

We will find out soon..

Purple you!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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