Chapter 4 : Fit for a princess

Start from the beginning

Addie watched him for a full few minutes, analysing his movements. She only looked away when his eyes glanced up to check on her, locking with hers. She instantly looked away, reddening that he caught her staring. 

She peaked back at him two minutes later to find him once again involved in his work. Deciding she had noting better to do, Addie scrolled through the films on the screen before her before settling on a new action film. 


Addie felt giddy as the stepped off of the plane, eleven hours had been far too long for her liking. Harlan strolled to a nearby car and waited expectantly for Addie too follow. 

It was one of the biggest cars she had seen, a fancy sleek black limousine looking thing. Addie had a feeling she would have to get used to bigger and better things, not that she was complaining. 

It was almost twenty minutes of awkward silence before they neared the house. Harlan was talking to someone quietly on the phone, talking under his breath. Addie was trying to figure out what he was saying without being obvious, she was failing. 

They had driven from a private landing strip and were now zooming past trees, Addie wondering how far out of the way their house was. 

When the house did come into view it was extraordinary. Once Addie had scrambled out the car she looked up at it in awe. It was beautiful like, like something out of a fairytale. The handsome stone walls were incredibly tall and the large arched windows would offer great views of the lake she could see far in the distance. 

it was similar to a French chateau or a British castle, she counted at least four towering floors. It even had some, albeit small, actual turret looking things. She didn't have too long to marvel however as she was immediately led up driveway and up the stone steps to the grand front doors.

The interior certainly didn't disappoint, the huge foyer was complete with a marble floor, chandeliers and a huge double curved staircase. Addie wouldn't have been surprised to see a fountain present in the middle of the room. 

Various hallways led off the main room but Addie was chaperoned down one on the left side. The pair arrived at a large set of double doors which where thrown back to a reveal a large study. The room was dimly lit by flickering lights before Harlan turned them on full blast. 

A large grate sat empty and a cold chill settled over the room. The domination radiating of her eldest brother was stifling at best, he easily lent against the fireplace, lit a cigar and let his gaze casually fall onto her sat before him. 

Addie was unnerved by him, he still had said so few words to her yet she was expected to just go along with him. 

"You listen to me and your brothers. If I tell you to do something, you do it. If they tell you to do something, you do it. Even if you don't like it." He continued. He moved towards his desk and took a comfortable seat, leaving his sister the only one standing. 

"I am sure you are much too young to have any interest in smoking, drinking, drugs, sex etc. Just to be clear, none of the above are permitted." Addie grimaced at his words, aghast that he thought she would be having sex at twelve.

"Do not lie to me, ever. I will find out." He tapped the end of his cigar against the ash tray, sending ash out. "Whilst you are still a child, you are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. I do not tolerate bad behaviour. 

"You will be respectful at all times and you will always tell your brothers where you are, even if you are just in the garden."

"Most importantly; you are not permitted on the left side of this house on this floor and the first floor. Nor are you allowed in the basement or the attic.

You are not allowed within two-hundred metres of the grey buildings on the left of the property. You are allowed in the rest of the house and the property. 

This is my study, I expect you not to enter it. Ever. Unless I invite you in or there is a serious emergency. A real emergency." He spoke in such a condescending tone it was almost like he was speaking to a four year old and not his twelve year old sister. 

Addie wondered why so many areas of the house where out of bounds, maybe because it was old and there was valuable things. Or they had secrets? She wasn't really focussed on why, more just remembering them all so her brother didn't murder her. 

Harlan led her out of the study and back along the hallway towards the giant curved staircase. Once they were upstairs Addie was led down a long and wide hallway. The whole house was something antique from the 1900's, the walls were a panelled wood with high arched windows and thick rugs on polished wooden floors and plush carpets in some rooms. 

The corridor was softly lit with lamps along the walls, many aged objects stood on tables with paintings hung on the walls. Addie wondered if she would ever figure out where she was going in this house, they had already passed numerous hallways and doors.

Harlan led her past a row of door's, pointing out the owners of each one. Every door was identical from the outside and had no way of telling them apart. Harlan's was first, followed by Joseph's and Harrison's. The younger one's room's were around a corner. Addie's room was in-between Riley's and Elijah's, with Thomas and James across the hall. 

Harlan led her into her room, he mentioned to her it was the same room she had as a baby. He told her that it had been updated, James insister the cot was replaced with a bed and it was regularly cleaned, but other than that it was untouched. 

Addie was in absolute astonishment from the second she walked in. There was a large fireplace with a roaring fire in the grate. The grand four poster bed was queen sized, with soft white bedding that had tiny pink flowers embroidered on it. Through attached doors was a large marble bathroom and walk in wardrobe.The bay windows had little window seats that Adeline was sure looked beautiful in the sun. 

The walls like the rest of the house I had seen were wood panelled but the white and pink accents from around the room brightened it up. Her bed had white veils hanging from it with wooden engraved leaves and tiny flowers going up the posts and around the roof of the bed. It looked like a room fit for a princess.

"Your mother designed it before you were born. Goodnight Adeline" Harlan's voice startled her, she had almost forgotten he was there, it was a rather abrupt ending to a confusing and long day.

Although they had left England at two in the afternoon it was now ten o'clock at night in America and four in the morning UK time. Addie brushed her teeth and climbed into bed at once, the time difference was going to take some getting used to and it had been a long day and a lengthy process. 

She felt numb. She was tired, physically drained and emotionally exhausted. 

It was all she could do to crawl under the covers of her new bed, and she cried. It was the first time in a long time that she had properly allowed herself to cry.

She couldn't cry in the children's home. She had no privacy and needed to be strong. She couldn't cry on the streets or in motels, she just couldn't allow herself too.  

But now in a bed as soft as feathers her walls were broken. 

Adeline wept for a long time that night, she cried for her uncle, her new siblings, her never-ending loneliness. It was never ending. 

She fell asleep that night curled in a ball with wet cheeks, a snotty nose and red eyes. She was completely unaware of the big changes she would face. 

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