“Will! You’re supposed to be sword fighting, and now I have to redo my hair,” I complained, but I was incredibly nervous about tonight. I took out the braid I had intricately woven over my head, leaving the rest of my hair natural. Since we would probably be on rides tonight I was wearing a black halter blouse and light jeans with black toms.

“You look fine,” he said sitting down at his desk, watching me redo my hair.

“You mean that right?” I ran my hands through it one last time.

“Of course, you’re my sister, I’d never let you leave looking like an idiot,” he smiled.

“Thanks, Will,” I side hugged him as there was a knock on the door. I quickly stood and swung it open, grinning at Jason on the other side. I could tell he was checking me out and I blushed a little.

“Hey her eyes are up here, Grace,” Will was always protective of me.

“Sorry,” Jason grinned sheepishly.

“When should I expect her home?” Will stood with his arms crossed.

“Before ten, sir?” Jason looked unsure what to call Will. I giggled.

“Bye, dad,” I rolled my eyes before walking out the door beside Jason. “Sorry about him.”

“No problem,” he smiled. “You aren’t afraid of rides right? I mean it’s no problem if you are, I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“No I’m not, but it’s really sweet that you asked,” I laced my fingers in his, smiling as we left camp grounds and continued walking down the sidewalk.

“Alright, we’re here,” he looked nervous. I smiled up at him, hoping to calm his nerves as we stood in line together and got wristbands. “What do you wanna do first?”

We went on the scrambler, the swings, bumper cars, and a few smaller roller coasters multiple times.

“Are you hungry?” he asked me as the sun started to set. I nodded eagerly. We ordered some chicken strips and french fries and walked around looking at the games while we ate them.

“Oh my gosh,” I gasped grabbing Jason by the hand and pulling him over to a game where  there was the most adorable stuffed Stitch from Lilo and Stitch. “It’s so cute, I’m going to try and win it.”

Jason smiled as I paid the carnival worker and picked up one of the basketballs.

“You get five shots, and if you make all five, you can have anything from the top shelf,” the worker smiled at me as I took the first shot. I only made three and picked a cute stuffed dog from the second shelf.

“Here, let me try,” Jason smirked and paid the worker again. When he had made four of the shots the worker started to look worried. Maybe the game was rigged.  

“The Stitch, please,” Jason smirked after he made the last shot and the worker reluctantly handed it over, Jason handing it to me.

“Did you maybe use your power to control wind to win me this Stitch?” I giggled as we walked away.

“Pffttt, what no way,” he was blushing.

“Mhmmm, sure. I’ll trade you,” I smiled passing him the small stuffed dog. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we went on more rides until it was dark.

“Alright one more thing,” Jason grinned. He ordered a bag of cotton candy and dragged me to the line for the ferris wheel. Reluctantly, I stepped into the cart and Jason sat beside me. I had to admit I wasn’t so fond of heights. We took turns eating the cotton candy while star gazing until we reached the top. From up here the carnival looked smaller, the soft glow from all the lights illuminating Jason’s face. Everything was perfect until a bit of wind started shaking the cart. I grabbed onto Jason’s arm and smiled shyly as he realized why I was frightened.

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