It's His Birthday (Requested)

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I waited patiently after I knocked on the door, it was pretty early after all. Percy swung open the door with major bedhead and a blanket wrapped around him.
"What is this?" he raised an eyebrow, smiling.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you," I started singing shly. Slowly, I pulled the blue birthday cupcake out behind my back. Percy's face lit up like a child. "Happy birthday dear Percy. Happy birthday to you."
"Thank you so much," he grinned. Percy blew out the little candle on top and I handed him the cupcake.
"I got some of the campers in the Demeter cabin to help me make and decorate it," I bit my lip, hoping he would like it.
"This is amazing," he mumbled through a mouthful of the cake. Frosting was all over his mouth and somehow made it onto his nose.
"You have a little," I stopped myself and wiped the blue frosting off of his nose using my thumb.
"Is that better?" he leant in and pecked my lips leaving a matching ring of blue frosting on my own face.
"Percy!" I pushed him away laughing. "You jerk."
"You still look pretty cute to me," he laughed kissing me again.
"Jason, look at these," I smiled showing him the beautiful cart full of bouquets. The vibrant flowers stood out against the vintage streets of New Rome. Jason had been really home sick lately, so for his birthday I decided we should take a trip back out to Camp Jupiter.
"They're nice," he smiled at me. "You're so cute when you're excited."
"Oh shush," I laughed as we continued walking hand in hand.
"I remember this little shop," Jason pointed to a quaint bakery on the corner. It was made completely of cobblestone and had ivy climbing up the sides. A small bell rang over our heads as we walked inside. Immediately the smell of sweet dough filled the air and I sighed in content.
"What can I help you with, dears?" an older lady at the counter smiled at us.
"Wow," Jason whispered as our eyes scanned the display case.
"I want everything," I murmured.
"Okay," Jason said seriously.
"Jason, what will we do with all of these pastries and donuts?" I laughed, thinking he was kidding.
"Eat what we can. then take the rest back to New York to share with our friends and eat there," he pouted at me, using puppy dog eyes.
"Okay then, one of everything please," I smiled at the stunned lady.
"Alright then 344 drachmas please," she smiled, wondering if we would really go through with it. Both of us emptied our wallets and had more then enough to pay for it together.
"Have a nice day," she waved at us as we walked out the door, three boxes in each of our arms.
"Let's head back to our rooms start eating," Jason smiled at me.
"I still can't believe we did that," I laughed trailing behind him.
"So this took a lot of research and a little help from a few of your siblings, " I smiled leading Leo around a corner into an opening near the cliff face. "But I managed to get it done by last night, happy birthday babe."
Leo's eyes widened with shock when he saw the brand new wings I had crafted for Festus. The pair of wings shone in the sun, the sharp edges glinting.
"These are perfect," Leo trailed in of his hands down the side of a wing. "It must have taken you days."
"Yeah," I smiled sheepishly. "Nyssa did most of the measuring, I just followed her instructions."
"You're the best girlfriend ever," Leo tackled me in a hug. I patted his back as he hugged me tighter.
"Can't, breath," I smiled gasping for air.
"Right," he pulled away and apologized. "I can't wait to instal these."
"I did learn a lot from Nyssa, we could instal them right now," I offered.
"Well then, what are we waiting for?" he grabbed my wrist and took off.
"You forgot the wings," I yelled, giggling into the wind behind him
"Happy birthday, death breath," I sat next to Nico and hugged him tightly as he laughed. "So today I was thinking we could just hang around and do whatever you want."
"Whatever I want?" he wiggled his eyebrows and pulled me into a kiss.
"You know what I meant," I slapped his arm, sitting on his lap now. "So, what would you like to do?"
"How about," he tapped his finger on his chin. "Let's just stay here for a while, I like it here."
"Okay," I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. "What are we watching?"
"The walking dead," he flicked the remote and the next episode began playing.
"Of course," I laughed, snuggling deeper into his side.
"Shut up," he shoved me slightly before wrapping an arm around me.
We spent most of the afternoon like this. Just in each others arms.
"I had a great time at dinner tonight," Frank smiled at me as we stood outside his cabin. I could tell that even though he had meant it, he was a little sad. Almost none of the campers had said happy birthday to him today. If only he knew.
"So did I," I stood on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He looked into my eyes and I giggled.
"Well, night babe," I pulled away and Frank looked rather disappointed. He turned and opened the cabin door.
"Surprise!" everyone yelled as Frank and I walked into the Ares Cabin. Frank nearly screamed but once he realized what was happening he smiled. Everyone said their hellos and happy birthdays to Frank before leaving me alone with him. The DJ started to play music and everyone began dancing.
"Happy birthday big guy," I smiled up at him.
"Did you plan this?" he grinned, gesturing to the party around us.
"Yeah, I think you deserve it," I kissed his cheek.
"Thank you (y/n)," he placed a hand on the side of my face and kissed me.
"Let's get this party started!" Leo yelled wearing an obnoxious party hat and sunglasses. He received several cheers in response as Frank and I started to dance ourselves.

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