First Kiss

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"I'll race you," Percy smirked.
"Bring it, kelp brain," I dug my heels into the sand and took off.
"Hey no fair," Percy yelled from behind me, dropping our beach bag and starting to run. I made it into the water first, raising my arms in victory. Percy was right behind me, and picked me up into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he waded deeper and deeper into the waves.
"That feels a lot better," I slipped out of his arms and into the cool, soothing water.
"You know what would be even greater than this?" he smiled mischievously.
"What?" I swam closer to him.
"This," he pulled my hips closer to his and he was inches away from my face. My (y/e/c) eyes got lost in his own sea blue ones. I bit my lip nervously as he almost closed the distance between us.
"Hey Miss (y/n)," one of my students obliviously interrupted us.
"Oh hi, Claire," I smiled nervously down at her. After talking about class for a few minutes, she was back on her way. I turned to Percy.
"Where were we?" I teased, and as he leaned in again I splashed him right in the face. I giggled at his shocked face, and swam off with him right behind me. We spent the rest of the afternoon messing around and splashing each other. We were in the process of getting out for lunch when Percy dowsed me in a very large wave.
"You're going to wish you hadn't done that," I growled playfully before tackling him. We both fell underwater, him underneath me. I shut my eyes and held my breath, only to find I wasn't wet. I cautiously opened my eyes to see that Percy had enclosed us in a bubble of air.
"Don't scare me like that," I slapped his shoulder. He just laughed. We both stopped talking as we realized what position we were in. I could feel myself blush
"You know what the best part of being down here is?" he smirked. "Nobody's here to interrupt us."
And the next thing I knew he was kissing me. His lips tasted like salt water taffy, and they were slightly chapped. Water dripped from my hair and body onto him, but neither of us cared. He pulled me closer and wrapped his hands around my waist. Just as soon as it had started, it stopped.
"Now you really can't breathe, huh," Percy laughed at my uneven breathing after he pulled away.
"Shut up," I murmured.
"Okay, the first pairing is," Chiron looked through the crowd. "(y/n) versus Jason."
I smirked over at him and began climbing into the treetops. There was a new station added to camp recently, allowing us to train in the forest. Multiple wooden platforms connected trees together on different levels and the two campers were supposed to fight on them. Using the different levels to their advantages.
"Whenever you're ready," I pulled out my bow. Since it was bow against sword, all I had to do was hit Jason's padded armor three times, the same way he had to strike mine three times. We both had equal experience, I grew up climbing trees, but Jason had an upper hand, he could fly and us the wind to flick my arrows away from him.
"And begin!" Chiron shouted from somewhere below us. Jason made the first advance, knowing I wasn't great at hand to hand combat. All I could do was duck, his strikes to quick for me to be able to notch an arrow. The first strike was made as Jason's sword cut across my chestplate. The crowd of campers far beneath us cheered.
"Oh, that's it, superman," I flipped and kicked the sword from his hands, sending it down to another platform. While he slightly turned and summoned the wind to bring it back, I shot an arrow, he flicked it away easily. I tried again and this time it hit home, right in the stomach. The crowd cheered. Jason had his sword back now, walking towards me. My best option was to drop to one of the lower platforms, so I did. I shot another arrow and this time it hit his calf before he could block it.
With a thud, he landed on his feet on the same platform that I was on. He kicked out his leg and wiped my feet out from underneath me. The wind was knocked out of my lungs and I could feel my back start to ache. Jason struck my armor again, on the shoulder, before smirking down at me.
"Looks like its all over now, Katniss," he leant down next to me. "You know, you look pretty hot when you're kicking my-"
"Shut up," I gently shoved him, causing him to sway a bit and lose his balance. He steadied himself by placing one hand on each side of my head, hovering over me now. We both fell silent, and I was worried he could hear my heartbeat. Up close Jason is threateningly handsome, but the scar above his lip caught my attention. A crazy idea popped into my head. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"(y/n), what are you-"
My lips cut him off, the campers below gasping. I let myself get lost in his soft, warm lips, every second almost sending an electric current through my body. I snapped myself out of it and focused on distracting Jason as I kissed him, and slowly took an arrow out of my quiver. As quietly as I could, I dug it into the back of his armor. When Jason realized what I had done, he groaned and pulled away. I started giggling.
"I can't believe I fell for that," he covered his face in his hands. The crowd below started leaving, seeing as the next match wouldn't start for fifteen minutes.
"Hey," I pried his hands from his face. "I didn't just kiss you so I could win, you know that right."
"Yeah," he smiled at me. "I don't suppose you'd let me do that again?"
"Why not?" I pulled him in by his shirt collar.
"I see you've remembered to bring a jacket this time," Leo chuckled as he sat down next to me one of the logs at the campfire.
"I did," I nodded.
"Well, you still have no choice but to cuddle with me," he laughed and threw his arms around me just like last time. We sat and chatted with the other campers as the sun went down, watching the sky change from pink and orange to blue and black.
"I could get used to this," he kissed the top of my head and I blushed feverishly. The Apollo cabin had started a sing along to Rather Be.
"When I am with you there's no place I'd rather be," I sang along half heartedly.
"I'm glad you feel the same," Leo poked my nose, causing me to look away, embarrassed. "Hey, look at me."
Leo gently pulled my chin up until our eyes locked. Suddenly, I became very aware of just how close we were. Leo's palms started to sweat, as were my own. Leo leaned even closer, even though that didn't seem possible.
"You're so beautiful," he mumbled, resting his forehead on my own. I closed the gap in between us, both of our trembling lips meeting. For the first time since I had met him, Leo seemed nervous. He was incredibly gentle with me, as if I might break like a glass figurine. Just as he deepened the kiss, campers around us started cheering, phrases like "Get it Leo." and general ooo-ing was heard.
When we pulled away, both of us out of breath, I turned and saw Percy covering Annabeth's mouth and holding her back. He saw me and gave me a thumbs up sending me into a fit of laughter.
"Pssstt, Nico," I whispered. I had snuck into the Hades cabin after I woke up to a grumbling stomach. It was two a.m. but all my brain could think was food.
"What?" he grumbled, ghost boy rarely slept, but that didn't mean he was any less tired.
"Ummm," I looked at my feet, all of the sudden sheepish. He had major bedhead and his voice was deep and scratchy, but it honestly just made him that much more attractive.
"(y/n) you did not just wake me up at two a.m. so you could stare at your slippers," he said playfully, yawning.
"I'm hungry, and the only place open right now is McDonald's, so you wanna come?" I gushed all at once.
"I do love their happy meals," he smiled and rolled out of bed. We took a short walk down the street and ended up in front of the familiar flashing sign.
"Welcome to McDonalds, how may I help you?" the cashier droned, probably not too happy with having the two a.m. shift.
"I'll have two chicken wraps, a small fry, and a Dr. Pepper please," Nico ordered.
"I'll have a hamburger with everything, a medium fry, and a chocolate shake," I handed over the money before Nico could protest. We waited comfortably in a booth, both of us too tired to hold a conversation.
Nico walked up and wordlessly took the tray with our food on it, and returned placing it in between us. I took my food and dug in.
"You've got a little bit-" Nico stopped himself, cupping my cheek in his hand, using his thumb to brush away some whipped cream on the side of my mouth. He left his hand there as I blushed. His eyes were half closed, laced with sleep, reflecting mine. My heart felt as if it was beating in my throat as he leaned over and kissed my lips. His lips felt chapped, but still soft as I kissed back. The entire experience felt fuzzy and dazed, but the nice kind. Oddly enough, his lips tasted like french fries. He pulled back and sighed, both of us still half asleep.
"That was nice," I drowsily slurred, causing him laugh quietly.
"I'm so excited," I smiled over at Frank.
"Me too," he took my hand in his. He had taken me to see Night at the Museum 3 and the movie had yet to start, the bright screen playing previews. We talked about the last two movies until the lights dimmed and the movie started.
"I love all the animals in this film," I softly smiled at him, which he returned.
"I know you do," he chuckled.
A few scenes later, Frank pulled the old yawn and wrap your arm around the girl move.
"Frank Zhang," I said, turning to him. "Did you just pull the oldest move in the book?"
"Leo said it would work," he mumbled, blushing now.
"I never said I didn't like it," I kissed his cheek, the glow from the screen lighting half of his face. We sat staring at each other, completely disregarding the movie. My eyes wandered over his face, noticing all of the tiny scars from battle. I know it's cliche, but it felt like it was just the two of us in the theater. I leaned in and placed my lips on his, and I felt very self conscious all of the sudden. Where did I put my hands? Was I even doing this right?
"You're pretty cute, (y/l/n)," Frank laughed and pulled away. "So cute, I think I might kiss you again."
"Fine by me," I giggled.

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