Second Meeting

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My stomach growled as I piled food onto my plate. Everyone had gathered in the mess hall for dinner, tonight was steak. The minute I sat down at the Iris table I started to eat. The steak was so delicious I couldn’t help but close my eyes and savor the taste.

“Hey save some of that for your mom,” Percy said right in my ear, causing me to jump. He was laughing as I glared him down.

“What are you doing here Percy? Don’t you have to sit at the fish-smelling table?” I continued eating.

“Hey, my table does not smell like fish!” I laughed at his expression.

“What ever you say, and you still didn’t answer my first question,” I looked straight into his sea-green eyes, raising one eyebrow.

“I just wanted to say,” he nervously ran his hand through his hair.. “You’re a really good sword fighter, and I had a lot of fun last week.”

“I did too,” I smiled at him.

“Percy!” Tyson called over to him, waving dramatically with a huge grin. Percy facepalmed.

“Hey, don’t be rude, go join your brother,” I elbowed him giggling. “He’s so sweet.”

“Okay, enjoy dinner,” he waved walking away.

“What was that about?” my half brother Butch asked, also digging into his food.

“Nothing,” I felt myself blush as I stood to go offer some of my food to my mother.  




“Apollo Cabin!” Leo called. I cheered with my new teammates in excitement. It was a casual Friday night and almost the entire camp was playing capture the flag. Also on the blue  team was the Hephaestus, Ares, Aphrodite, and Poseidon cabins. Annabeth had been the other team captain and choose the Athena, Hades, Zeus, Hecate, and Hermes cabins.

“Okay, (y/n) and Will, can you handle getting the flag?” Leo asked in the middle of my teams crowd. I turned to my half brother and high fived him before I readjusted my bow, Will was more of a healer but he was quick. “Frank, I need I to cause a distraction for us. A wolf would be nice. Percy will back Frank up and hopefully keep who ever they have guard busy.”

“The rest of you will stay behind with Piper and I to guard the flag,” the crowd groaned. “Yeah, yeah. Piper and I will be directly guarding the flag. Take small groups and don’t leave any area uncovered.”

Will and I started spitballing ideas on how to grab the flag. The four of us ran over the plan one last time as the horn blew, signalling the start of the game. Frank would go first, in the form of a wolf, hoping to scare off the guards. If that didn’t work Percy and Frank would start fighting the guards while Will and I snuck around the back grabbing the flag.

“Everybody good?” Frank asked, the three of us nodding. Will and I took off into the treetops. When I spotted the flag, I sent an arrow upwards, a signal to the other two. Will surveyed the area while I kept an eye out below. I could see Jason and Nico hiding behind a few trees. A few minutes later I could hear the growl of a wolf. The two below looked startled but held their ground, there must have been others nearby. Frank switched back and Percy jumped out of the bushes. It was Percy against Jason and Frank against Nico. I whispered an idea into Will’s ear before jumping down into the fight. Apparently, Hazel had been nearby and was taking Frank on now, Nico against Percy. Where was Jason? Thud. A body pinned me to the ground, oh that’s where Jason was.

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