17: Must Come Down!

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Tyga POV:

Since we had dinner with Jada, the vibe between me and Tiff has been crazy. I think she's really starting to feel me. We arrived at the party about an hour and thirty minutes ago. We were just dancing, smoking blunts and taking shots. It feels great to finally be able to cut loose.

"Oh my gosh!!" Tiff screeched. "Mikey! This is exactly what I wanted!"

Tiffani was beyond drunk, but she was turnt. The whole house was packed full of people. Most of them went to school with us, everyone else was probably some one we sold too.

"Mikey Pooh!!" A voice rang through my ears causing me to cringe..... it was Lani.

She ran up, pushed Tiff and hugged me.

"I missed you so much baby!" She kissed me all over my face. I grabbed her shoulders and backed her up a little.

"Lani... We need to talk." I helped Tiffani up and looked at Lani. "I can't do this to you, it's not right."

"Do what?" I could tell she was genuinely confused.

"Lani, I don't like you... The way you think I do. You're really just a good friend, but Tiffani... That's my girl. I didn't mean to play with your heart or anythi-"

Before I could finish, she pounced at Tiff causing them to both fall on the floor. Somehow Tiffani maneuvered herself on top of Lani and began to feed her punches straight to her face. She even picked her head up and banged it on the floor a couple times. I pulled Tiffani off of her, but she was still trying to get at Lani.

"Stupid basic ass, wack ass bitch!! Don't you ever in yo fucking life came at me like that again cause I will end you. I promise, you don't wanna fuck with me!" She kicked Lani's unconscious body while I tried to pull her out of the house.

After we were out Tiffani and I got in the car.

"Tiffani!! What the hell was that!?"

"I'm so fucking sorry!" She cried. "I... I..." She threw up all over me.

"I'm hungry." She sighed. I pulled over at the nearest convenient store. I got out and began walking up to the store. Kendrick was sitting in front of the store with a couple of other shady characters smoking cigarettes.

I walked in and went to the bathroom and started cleaning myself off. When I got out, Kendrick waved at me telling me to come over to him.


One of the other guys looked at me.... He seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember from where.

"Aye, aren't you Tyga?" He said.

"Yeah, do I know you?" I said raising an eyebrow. Who the hell is this guy?

"Nahh, you don't know me, but you might know my boss... Kendrick's uncle."

"What is he talking about Kendrick?" I back up a little. "Who is your uncle?"

The strange man looked over at Kendrick.

"You didn't tell them?" He laughed. "King nigga! That's who." I heard a car door slam.

I turned around to see Tiffani stumbling towards me. Damn it not right now!

"Mikey... I'm sooooo hungry." She hugged me and looked at Kendrick and his friends. "Hey Kenny! Who are they?"

The two men stood up and and went straight for us. We backed up a little and threw our sets up.

"You said you didn't wanna hurt him!!"

"I lied." He said, waking straight towards me.

I tried to punch him, but he moved and caught me with a right hook to the ribs. I rushed him to the ground and started punching him. The other guy came up and pushed me off of his friend.

Tyga: Teacher, Brother, Best Friend (Prequel To: In Front of The Mic)Where stories live. Discover now