20: Moving On

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Tyga POV:
*Two Weeks Later*

We stood under the umbrella, staring at the headstone.

Jada Rose Harris

I looked down at Tiffani.... She had a blank expression on her face. I'm happy she finally reached out to me. You know.... I was starting to worry. After that night, she never left the house. I tried to come over on numerous occasions to cheer her up, but she didn't even bother to answer the door. Even when her mom let me in she just stayed in her room. This isn't like her, I really wish she would talk to me.

"Soooo... Your birthday is coming up this Saturday. You wanna come over to my house?" I paused, waiting for an answer, but she didn't say anything. "We can go to Sean's place if that's really what you want to do."

Still.... Nothing.

"Look... Tiffani... I don't know what y-"

"I leave for New York on Friday...." She interrupted.

"And you're just telling me this now? Tiffani we could've done something together."

"I... I don't wanna do anything. I just need to go. My mom hasn't talked to me since Jada died. I know it's my fault... I do. I just wish that it was me instead. I haven't spoken to you in days because honestly.... I can't even deal with myself right now." She started sniffling... Tears running down her face. She held the collar over her T-shirt over her nose and took deep breaths to keep herself from breaking down. "Some days I lay in bed just thinking about how much easier it would be if I just died. I don't know how long I can live with myself knowing that because of me, my sister is dead. For what? Some drugs? Money? A little bit of respect?" She shook her head. "I was greedy... Selfish... I don't deserve to live."

"You done?"  I stated angrily. "I don't ever wanna hear you talk like that again ok? Cause that shit is stupid as fuck. It's not your fault, Jada knew what she was doing. She was saving you and if you kill yourself, you might as well spit on her grave right now. She sacrificed herself cause she saw something in you that was worth saving. She wanted you live and the least you could do for her is respect her wishes. Jada might not be with us physically, but she's always gone be watching over you. So, stop all this shit, you gotta be strong. Do you hear me?"

She smuggled a little more and nodded.

"Good. Cause ion wanna have to have this talk again. Don't you ever fucking think that way again, iight?"

"Ok I get it damn." She huffed.

"Just making sure. You wanna go get something to eat?"

She nodded.

"I wanna go to Popeye's... I need some chicken strips."

I laughed.

"Come on fat ass..." I grabbed her hand and led her to the car.


I convinced her to let us eat inside. She got some spicy chicken strips, fried shrimp, fries, and a large sweet tea. I got some boneless chicken, mashed potatoes, and some lemonade. I sat down at the table where Tiffani was already scarfing down her food.

"Nice to see your appetite is still healthy." I smiled.

"You wouldn't believe this... But I actually haven't eaten a full mean in like... Five or six days." She spoke with a mouth full of food. "I almost forgot how much I love food."

"Really? Why not?"

She pushed around her mashed potatoes and shrugged her shoulders.

"I... I don't really wanna talk about it. After what you said... I really just wanna move on. Especially since I'm moving in a few days. I don't wanna start my freshman year off being some weird depressed kid."

Tyga: Teacher, Brother, Best Friend (Prequel To: In Front of The Mic)Where stories live. Discover now