19: Sacrifices

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Jada POV:

I woke up tied to a post, in a room full of men. On particular guy stuck out among the whole group. He was a large man sitting in a fancy gold and red chair, with one leg crossed over the over.

"Tiffani, dear.... That was quite a number you did on my warehouse. You killed all my men and took a substantial amount of money from me." He stood up and began to walk around me. What the hell was he talking about. Does he think I'm Tiffani. Oh shit.... Did my little sister kill someone tonight. Selling drugs is one thing... But murder. What has she gotten herself into?

"Now I understand your position. I was once a young man in the streets of Compton once. Trying to make money by any means necessary." He laughed. "But I didn't have the luxury of scheming off of one the richest businessmen in California to make a name for myself."

He slapped me across the face and spat on me. I struggled to get free so I could beat his ass, but it was no use.

"So what's your point?" I spat on his shoe. He took his gun out of the holster and hit me with it.

"You like to talk shit huh?" He hit me again. "Answer me!"

"Fuck you!" He punched me and everything went black.


I woke up but I quickly closed my eyes when I saw King standing in front of me. His back was turned and he was talking to one of his crew members.

"So what are we going to do with the girl, boss?"

"Not much we can do while she's knocked out, but I do plan on having a log of fun with her. She's been a thorn in my side since she started in these streets, but believe me when I'm done... There won't be anything left for her family to grieve over, but until then, she has to stay alive until the boy shows up."

He other man laughed.

Are they seriously trying to kill Tiffani and Mikey? What the fuck? I... I can't let that happen. Not to my sister, she's just weeks away from living out her dream of going to New York and pursuing a career in music. She's too talented for it to all end here.

He turned around and saw me staring.

"Aww look who's awake. I'd thought I was gonna have to wait another hour or so."

The other man walked up to me and ran his fingers up and down my body.

"I'd like to have some fun with her before you finish. I'd like to teach her a nice.... Long lesson in respect."

King chuckled.

"Sure, if there's time... Though I'm not sure you're going to want her after the state I leave her in." He punched me in the stomach.

"Stop stop!!" I hollered. "Please don't hit my stomach."

"And why not?" He retorted.

"Because... I'm pregnant."

He smiled.

"Oh really... I didn't think that kid had it in him. Congrats." He punched me in the stomach again. ".....But I do what I want." He smiled and I blacked out.

Tiffani POV:

We pulled up to my house and walked up to my door, we left the money in the car so we could count it at Tae Dog's trap house. There was a note it.

I have your partner in crime Tyga. You two have costed me enough money time to settle this. Bring me my money and I might let you live. You can find me at 730 East Anne Lane.

Tyga: Teacher, Brother, Best Friend (Prequel To: In Front of The Mic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum