27: That's not cupid's arrow

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"Oh, that's comforting. Thanks."

Scott laughs, he was glad that the three of them could just sit with each other at like one in the morning and just talk like this was a normal everyday teenage conversation, "Got any plans-"

Paige hears her phone buzz and thought it was her aunt texting her but when she checks it happened to be Allison. She pursed her lips and looked over at Scott, "Do you find it at all weird that your ex wants to be my friend?"

"Did she text you?"

"Yeah, asking if I can hang out with her and Lydia tomorrow." Paige hummed in amusement as she took the bottle back, "She said she'd invite me. Guess she keeps her promises."

"Look, already bonding with her." Stiles teased as he reached for the bottle, "You've found a similarity."

Noah looked out the window while pinching down at the bridge of his nose. He was tired but didn't have the heart to tell the kids they should head to bed, "She's fine. She's here."

"Okay, thank you, Noah."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened that made Paige so upset?"

"We had an argument about her parents." Came Maggie's simple answer, "Thank you for watching her."

"Anytime." Noah looks back at the three as they drank juice with each other, "I can keep her for as long as you need."

"It's not me. It's for as long as she needs. She's mad and has every right to be."

Noah didn't really want to pry with the situation, "Well, I best be letting you go. We both have work to do and we shouldn't be up right now."

"Alright, goodnight and thank you, Noah."

Maggie put the phone back and sat down on the couch while bringing her legs up to her chest, "God-" She heard a knock at the door and couldn't help but close her eyes. It was almost two in the morning and she shouldn't be dealing with people at this time. So she ignored the knock, they'd think she was sleeping or something.

With a gasp, Maggie quickly got off her couch at the sound of her door being broken right open. "Not answering the door is rude, Margaret."

"Get the hell out of my house."

"Is that any way to be greeting an old friend."

Maggie crossed her arms over her chest as she inhaled deeply at the sight of Peter Hale, "I wouldn't say we're friends."

"You're right." Peter hums as he approaches the couch, the sofa the only barrier between the two of them, "Old lover."

She instantly scoffed out a laugh, "Rich, Peter, get the fuck out."

"I see that mouth of yours hasn't changed."

"Do you need something? Or are you just going to keep terrorizing my niece."

"I would never harm a hair on Paige's head." Peter says smoothly but his voice was slick and Maggie could sense the sarcasm, "After all, she's my sister's god daughter."

"Mm." Maggie crossed her arms over her chest, not showing an inch of fear of the alpha, "Is there a point to your visit or are you just hear to ruin my night."

"Morning, technically." Peter corrects and smirks as her scowl deepens, "Just wanted to see you. After all, I was in a catatonic state."

"Didn't seem all that catatonic when you were chasing my niece around in her own school."

Peter breathed out and grabbed the end of the sofa while leaning down against it, "I can show you how I'm no longer catatonic."

"Shove it in a cactus, Peter." Maggie sneers and watches as he stands straight up, "I've seen you, now get out."

Lil' Red Riding Hood | Derek HaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz