Lil' skinny dip

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"This is what's gonna make me feel better?" Kenji furrowed his eyebrows as he figured out what we were gonna do.  I stood in between the twins with a wide smile on my face, and then looked up at the both of them.  Kalen was trying to be supportive, but even he was doubting my idea.

"Not just this." I said and pulled away from them.  They watched me walk over to one of the tables, and I started stripping.  I could feel their eyes on me as I stood in my bra and underwear, then discard those off to the side.  I looked over at them and waved before jumping into the pool headfirst.   The water was absolutely warm and I'm shocked to know it wasn't cold.  Since it is mid fall, the hotel must've warmed up the pool for the guests.  I swam back to the surface and took a big gulp of air and the twins were staring down at me like I was weird.

"Oh come on!  You've never done this before?"

"Skinny dipping?  Yeah, in the shower." Kenji snorts and Kalen looks at him with a dull look. He then shrugs and puts an empty blow pop stick in his mouth.

I groan and hop out the pool and walk up to them crossing my arms.  "Dude, strip your clothes and get in the pool." I demand and he raises a brow.

"She's a demanding little thing isn't she brother?" Kalen smirks and throws off his jacket.  Kenji wasn't moving a muscle and I walked up to him getting in his space.  He watches me as I take his basketball pants and yank them down, leaving him in nothing but a sweatshirt.

"You really want me in that pool naked?" He snorts and I smile up at him.

"Yeah.  Let's have some fun.  Don't be such a stick in the mud Kenny." He scowled at the name.

"Your fun and my fun are-"

"-two different things.  Yes yes.  Blah blah.  Heard it all before." I look at Kalen who just pulled off his shirt and jeans.

Kenji had finally took off his shirt along with his shoes, then threw them to the side and stood in my space. He looked over my body very very slowly, taking it all in before looking into my eyes with deep hunger. "What now sweetheart?"

"This." I quickly got behind him and pushed him in the pool, resulting him cursing loudly, his voice echoing off the walls. I laugh as I watched Kenji come up to the surface and wipe his face from water. He glares heatedly at me before flipping me off.

I looked at Kalen who was laughing his ass off to the side. I calmed down and crossed my arms watching him, then moved to him to push him, but sadly my plan didn't work. Kalen quickly grabbed my arms and lifted me up just as he jumped in the pool, pulling me with him. I screamed as I plunged under water with him, and quickly closed my mouth.

Once we come up to the surface, I was grabbed and lifted up in the air by someone, then thrown back into the water with a scream. Quickly I swam deeper under water and swam behind one of the twins. Then came to the surface and latched on to their neck and wrapped my body around them.

"Kalen you idiot!" Kenji yelled and fell over when Kalen pushed him, resulting us to fall back into the water.

The three of us fool around for a couple hours. Just trying to dunk each other or splash each other, but more so trying to drown one another. Our yells and screams fill the empty pool air as we act like teenagers. Kenji actually left the pool because he got annoyed that I kept slapping his butt, but Kalen quickly grabbed him and threw him back in the pool. It was hilarious. Kalen then showed us his swimming skills, by doing laps and that butterfly form, along with diving and backstrokes. Watching his back muscles flex was pretty hot.

I swam to the edge of the pool and relaxed a bit while Kalen headed off to get us drinks. Kenji swam next to me and pulled me into his arms, which I happily let him do. "Wasn't that fun?" I looked up at him and he hummed.

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