Gosh am I a prostitute?

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"Simone are you insane?!  Your father wouldn't like this at all!" Alexander shouted as I started packing my clothes.  I had a flight for California at 4am in two days, and I knew I shouldn't have waited last minute to pack, but I'm kinda a procrastinator.  I look up at my best friend and smile at him.  He was always a worry wort, and made sure I was ok and not going through a hard time by myself.  I like to go through things alone, and tend to not put my feelings on display.

"Al, please don't bring him up.  Plus I need this money." I said sounding a bit annoyed, and sigh softly not wanting to even talk about my dad.  There are plenty of reasons why, but for right now, I just want to finish packing and have a drink for the night.

"You can get money plenty of different ways!  But selling your virginity to strangers?  Are that stupid?"

"How am I stupid?  Would you rather me be a stripper?  Or a drug dealer?  Oh how about I go become a pimp."

"Simone I'm being serious.  What if these guys are killers?  Or psychopaths that kidnap virgins and sell their organs?" I look at him giving him a look that makes him cross his arms.  "I thought you wanted to wait till you met the right one"

I paused as I held one of my favorite sweatshirts. "Alex I searched these guys up.  They are real and have a legit business.  Stop worrying and help me pack." I tell him, ignoring the last part of his sentence.  Ha, the right one my ass.

"Who are they then?! I wanna know!"

"The Choi twins from Choi Enterprises and Co." I tell him. His eyes widen and sits down on the edge of my bed.

"I'll have to research them a bit, JUST to see if their good or not."

I ended up giving him the silent treatment while blasting Billie Eilish on my playlist.  I was going through with this regardless if he wanted me to or not.  By me selling my virginity to some rich men won't kill me, or is a bad thing.  Since my dad has passed away, I've been blessed with his amazing debt.  It was so much money that I knew I would never repay it back in 2 years.  I haven't even graduated college let alone halfway through my program.  My dad loved to gamble, and not just at casino's, but when it came to basketball games, cards, and just borrowing money period.  He was also a thief, taking something that looked valuable, then selling it for money.  I knew he had a problem when I noticed the bills piling up and people visiting our house often.

He told me it was nothing, but when he'd come home covered in bruises and cuts all over, it was getting serious.  I told him so many times to get an actual job, or to file for unemployment, but he always said he'd win the lottery, or at the casino or find something worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.  I resented him a little for the position he left me in, but that all went away when a simple memory of him came into mind.  The good memories because that was all we had was good times.  That side of his life he didn't let me see, but only bits and pieces.  My dad tried his best to be a good person and a good father, but he paid the price for having sticky fingers and being greedy.

My 1.2 million dollar VirginityWhere stories live. Discover now