Blurred faces

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Remember your worth it ♥️

A little girl ran around the backyard in her bright blue dress, with pale yellow shoes. Her curly hair flowing in the wind as she played with her barbies. She loved playing with barbies and pretending to have them fly and save her make believe city. Or pretend that aliens are taking over the world, and her knight in shining armor comes and saves everyone.

The little girl giggles as she runs down the hill with her barbies, but screams as she falls and rolls down at a fast pace. Once she lands on the flat ground, she cries out loudly and screams when she sees her leg bleeding. A man runs over and shushes her and pulls her into his arms.

"It's ok a baby girl it's ok! You're ok baby." He coos and rocks them back and forth till she calmed down. The little girl sniffles and hiccups while trying to calm down, but once she saw her knee she started crying again. "Hey hey hey, look what I got~" the man sings and she opens her eyes seeing him whip out a bandaid.

The man pulls out a tissue and wipes away the blood before slapping on a Disney Princess bandaid. "Kisses make booboos go away~" he sings and kisses her knee, then her cheek with a smile. The little girl giggles and hugs him tightly.

"Thanks daddy!"

"You're welcome baby girl. Come on let's go inside before mommy comes home." The girl nods her head vigorously.

The man lifts the little girl up in his arms and swings her around while they walk to their house. The little girl screams and laughs loudly while she gets swung around, and then sat down on the ground once they got inside. "Hey go wash your hands. You don't want nasty germs to spread." The man says and she runs over to the sink and quickly washes her hands.

Once the little girls hands were dried off, she stops in her tracks when she hears a door close. "Oh who is that?" The man smiles and the little girl squeals and runs to the door.

"Mommy!" She yells and gets lifted into the women's arms. The two of them share an innocent kiss and the little girl snuggles in her arms.

"Hi my little princess. How was your day with daddy?" She asks and the little gurl gushes.

"It was so much fun! We went to Toys R Us and then we go home and play cops and robbers and then I play with barbies!" The women raises a brow at the man and he shrugs.

"Baby girl what did I teach you today?"

"If you get caught by the cops RUN! And never trust a white man with a badge and gun!"

"Exactly, police don't like us sometimes. So we run so we don't get hurt. Ok?" He smiles and then frowns when the women glares. "What?"

"I cannot believe you right now." She grumbled and set the little girl down. The women was obviously upset at the man, and the little girl frowned not knowing why she wasn't happy.

"I have to teach her early, if I don't she could get killed one day." He defends and the women crosses her arms.

"Why should she learn such a thing so early! We live in a white neighborhood, with good people. We don't experience that type of discrimination here.  I don't want our child to grow up being prejudice against white people." She argues and he rolls his eyes.

"She won't grow up that way!  I'm just trying-"

"Mommy?  Daddy?  What's wrong?  I say something bad?" Both adults looked down at the little girl who was obviously upset.  The male sighs while the female kneels down and smiles.

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