Chapter 7 (Guns, Girls, Battleship)

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Finally made it to the entrance at the aft. Of course, enemies have a habit of coming out at critical times like these

Mei activated the 3rd Herrscher within her to save kiana. Raiden's fury shall smite through the heavens itself.

Bronya hacking skills managed to get the sealed cabin door open. The Valkyries finally made it to the insides of the ship.

"...... sigh ..... I understand the situation." Himeko was worried inside but she couldn't show it. The Honkai beasts are still roaming the city below and there was little time left.

"Bronya please take care of Kiana"

"Da, major Himeko. Kiana is carrying Mei. Physio readings are stable." 

Mei was unconscious but she was fine. After a good rest, Mei will wake up soon. 

"HEY! Himeko" Kiana butted in "what did Mei mean by 'restriction protocol?' and what about the countdown" Kiana was distressed that something might have happened to Mei

Himeko couldn't help but be surprised and be silent ".... that's a long story" 

"ill give you a detailed rundown once this is all over" Himeko looked over to Mei who was unconscious. 

with that, the himeko closed the comms. 

Bronya looked at Kiana. "the bronya will protect Mei-senpai!" 

 the three of them entered the ship. 

The design and technological features of this battleship betray its origins: Anti-Entropy, a secretive organization that opposes Schicksal.

The Anti-Entropy is an organization that has diverted from the real objective of the Schicksal. Though both organizations still fight the honkai, both seem to be at odds with each other. Schicksal is the earliest established organization in the New Era to fight the Honkai and is hostile towards the Anti-entropy organization. Its current leader is Otto Apocalypse who inherited the Overlord status from his father. 

The predecessor of Anti-Entropy was the North American branch of Schicksal. Later, in November 1955, senior scientific researchers from the North American branch deviated from Entropy, and Anti-Entropy was established.

Anti-entropy is known for its Mech technology.

Anti-Entropy exploits the "something" found in the remains of the old world, plus the mechs created by the researchers' research and the manufacturing processes of the ME company. There are a variety of models, but all can be disrupted as a driving force, by AI self-regulation of their actions, if necessary, can also be manually driven. Either attack or defense are very good. Although the Mech's armor is very heavy, the action can still be agile thanks to the strong drive of Honkai power. 

Bronya cannot be classified as a Valkyrie. Because bronya body can't contain the Honkai energy like a normal valkyrie.  

Bronya has a Robot companion named Project Bunny 19c which is armed with a cannon and shield. 

Bronya's legs lost the ability to move because of the X-10 experiment so she must move in prosthetic legs. The Schicksal gave her prosthetic legs some modifications after she joined St. Freya HS, so her legs fit better with the Valkyria armor.



From high up, Mechanized robots dropped in front of bronya. 

"titans" Kiana Muttered

these titans are the mech that the anti-entropy have developed. With its AI in place, it will target anyone or anything resembling the honkai. that in turn makes valkyries a target to them. 

Honkai Impact 3rdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora