life || q&a, a

684 21 7


1. xenisms
Would the story have panned out any differently if you had stuck with your original idea of having Chaewon be the killer?
- uhhh i'm not sure,, but i'm pretty sure i would have never stuck with the idea of chaewon being the killer bc she really just doesn't fit. pretty sure most of it would be the same, with just chaewon and hyejoo switching roles (i.e. chaewon killing hyejoo bc she loved her)

2. everydayiloveViVi
before you changed the killer to hyejoo, hyunjoo called a certain someone babe. was chaewon and hyunjoo in a certain relationship or it's just a joke between the two sisters
- it's just a joke between them-

3. jinsoulled
when the hell did jiwoo ask if she was waterproof
- in the first chapter,, before they went to haseul's house lol

4. RandomFandomShiper
If Yves had drank the beer, how would it have ended?
- not sure but yeojin wouldn't have died so soon for sure 😩😩😩😩

5. Sailorsanamoon
What would happen if hyejoo didn't see it as a dream? Like would the story restart?
- then she'd actually be a murderer. in chap 23.6, it's 1/1/2018 which is before the whole incident happened. if she took it as time travel (?) then she'd actually have murdered them and just come back to 2018 from 2019. but since its a dream she just killed them in her dream lol

6. SumRandomOrbit
Why jiwoo ask if she was waterproof lmao
- uhhhh bc jiwoo radiates cute dumbass vibes :D

7. Godjisoos
Why is everybody so dumb in the story? Jiwoo water proof dafuckLMAODNIDNDJEJEKSJDN
- its actually just jiwoo HAHAHAHHAH

8. aeganctur
what would happen if we choose to resurrect yerim and the baby instead of hyunjin, hyejoo, and hyunjoo?
- u h h h h i really haven't thought that far yet,,, i guess yerim would be resurrected but 13 weeks pregnant (which is when the baby died) and after 25 weeks or so the baby would have been born?

9. aeganctur
i mean we saw all the butterflies and shiz, but could these characters (that died "peacefully" be morally grey and have butterflies?
fshfshf i think i explained it kinda badly
but anyways morally grey characters are kinda like robin hood, their bad actions are "justified" or their good actions kinda cancels the bad ones leaving them in a neutral state
i think this question would apply more to haseul, but idk, feel free to do with whoever you want
so uh if like vivi did some shiz in the past, but her good actions kinda cancelled it, would she still have butterflies fshfhs
(kinda like that we don't solve problems, we create a bigger one that cancels the other)
- i honestly don't know HAHAHAHA if u can't tell the butterfly thing was only added halfway lmao,, i only thought of it after yeojin and jiwoo died yikes,, but i think i'd still give them butterflies if they were morally grey?

10. Jensenpoiii
Idk if im just late or nah since the votes change even if its closed but is the heejin, sooyoung error that changed to jungeun stabbing herself(i think?) on purpose? Or are my braincells premeating the story line and this doesnt make sense to u lmao
- its on purpose bc hyejoo and hyunjoo wanted those involved in the car accident to see everyone die and suffer from grief1!!1!1!

11. AuhChuu
Im not sure if this was already answered as like part of the storyline but why wasnt jiwoo and yeojin included in the votes for who to resurrect?

12. AuhChuu
Im not sure if this goes in story or the other one so ill just put it here sorrry. This kinda reminds me of danganronpa was it inspired at all?
- uhhh is that an anime? i dont watch anime so uhhh no this book was inspired by sunshineyujin's app and glitzyena's who killed jang wonyoung then the plot slowly got off track and i started winging it lol

12. jinsoulias
what exactly was the point of the escape room chapter?
- there was absolutely no point in the escape room chapter which is why i hate it so much lol im pretty sure i was gonna make someone die there at first but i didnt know how so it just became useless


1. _georgepigg
do you believe in vivi world domination
- yes. everyone believes in vivi world domination. #viviworlddomination2020

2. Carsquare_d2
Who do you wanna bonk with the lightstick?
- fantastic question. the answer is obviously yg and bbc.

3. jinsoulled
wanna d8 B)?
- why not B)

4. amandanoellepang
- assuming jct means june common tests? study hard lol

5. SumRandomOrbit
Do you stan any other group?
- my other ult group is mamamoo ! and i've been interested in exo recently haha. i listen to most groups/artists too but my next favourite group is red velvet ! but i'm more into kdramas these days,, my top 5 dramas are dr romantic (season 1), hospital playlist, beauty inside, crash landing on you and it's okay that's love. my favourite actors/actresses are seo hyunjin and yoo yeonseok !

6. jinsoulled
wanna join a discord server(hahahahahahaha anyone wanna join)
- i dont use discord lmao-

7. Godjisoos
Are you gay? LMAO I JUST HAD TO
- uhhh,,, i've never thought of it but i guess i'm like 2% bi? still mostly straight ig

8. Godjisoos
Where you from?
- singapore !

9. jinsoulled
how tall are you?
- 159/160cm?

10. jinsoulled
what's your mbti type?
- i just took the test again and i'm still istp-t hehe

11. jinsoulled
best track in #?
- ding ding dong >>>>>>

12. Thepooplols
Is Peppa Pig good as bacon? 😳
- uM im not a bacon person and peppa pig is Peak Comedy so peppa pig>>>>>>

13. aeganctur
do you like... bread?

14. aeganctur
what's your music taste other than kpop lmao
- call me a hag or whatever but i only listen to kpop lol,,, do kdrama osts count as a separate category?? idts haha,, oh but im watching chuang2020 recently so i guess i do listen to some chinese songs from there? yeaaaa

15. TwxceOt9

16. Jensenpoiii
Why are you gay
- refer to question number 7 of the anything questions-

17. Cheetahdash15
You Stan Loona?
- ...yes lmaO

18. Godjisoos
Did you vote loona already? cuz if not- nah I'm joking ANYWAYS VOTE LOONA Y'ALL
- uhhh vote them in what

author's note: hello i've been gone for a long long while but i decided to publish this just so that the story can be considered finished haha none of the answers are accurate bc i wrote it last year hahahahhahahaha anyway writing this book was fun this is probably the last you'll see of me

it was fun while it lasted love y'all :)

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