Fives x Reader

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You worked in the medical bay at the Jedi temple. It wasn't... horrible per say, but it still was tough seeing the bodies of countless clones, suffering and dying. It also didn't help the fact that your boyfriend, secret, boyfriend, could be one of those clones at any given moment. That's why when you got the call about the Umbara mission, and that more medics were needed, panic went through you. That was the mission Fives was on.

Getting to the medical bay, your jaw fell open. There were so, so many clones. You ran over to Kix.
"What in the name of the force happened?!" You whisper yelled at Kix. He sighed.
"The General.. he told us that the enemy was wearing our armour. It.. it ended up in friendly fire." Your eyes widened as Kix told you what happened.
Fives! You thought, but knew that you needed to concentrate on the situation at hand. You tied your H/C hair in a ponytail and looked at Kix.
"How can I help?"


You sighed as you took off the plastic gloves you were wearing and set them on the small table beside you. Your F/C scrubs were covered in blood, as were the gloves you had taken off. So many of the clones had died, you didn't even know how many there were. You looked around. Your shift had ended two hours ago, along with Kix's. He had left shortly after, but you hadn't been able to stop, too worried about not being able to save them. Now, it was quiet, and the few survivors were sleeping. Feeling arms around your waste caused you jump and you turned around to see Fives.
"Fives!" You whispered, letting out a sigh of relief that he was alright.
"Hey" He said quietly, smiling a little, happy to see you. He kissed you, and you kissed him back.
"Fives, you could've been hurt" you said to him after breaking from the kiss.
"But I wasn't" he said back to you. "Come on, you were supposed to get off a while ago." You nodded, beginning to walk to your quarters, Fives walking beside you.


You sit on the couch in your quarters, cuddling with Fives. You had showered and changed into something more comfortable once you got back.
"Fives, you could've been hurt." You repeated. "Badly hurt"
"I know, but I refuse to die without saying a proper goodbye. That scares me more than dying. Not being able to say goodbye"
You smile a little, and give him a small kiss.
"I love you, Fives"
"I love you too, Y/N"

So... there ya go! This is the first oneshot I've ever wrote. My sister helped me choose what Clone to use, which works out perfecting because this story was originally going to be a Fives x OC story, but now it's a Fives x Reader story. I hope you enjoyed!!

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