Truth or Dare

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Just for fun :3 My sister Destiny_Star_865 gave me the idea for this, and she'll be helping a little. I don't know how crazy this is gonna get...


Ps. Pt2 for memories is coming soon.

Anakin: Who wants to play True Or Dare?!!

Ahsoka: I'll play SkyGuy

Obi-Wan: I will too

Anakin: Great! Anyone else?

Anakin has added Fives, Hardcase, Jesse, Echo, and Rex to the chat.

Rex: What's going on General?

Anakin: ^Read the chats above^

Fives: I'm in!

Fives has added Spryte to the chat

Spryte: What's Up?

Fives: Truth or Dare. You wanna join?

Spryte: Sure

Fives: What about the rest of you?

Echo: Yeah okay

Hardcase: Count me in!

Jesse: Sure

Rex: Alright. Who is going first?

Obi-Wan: I will. Anakin; Truth or Dare?

Anakin: Dare! I'm no coward.

Obi-Wan: *Snickers* Anakin, I dare you to eat sand. A good amount of it too.

Anakin: ...

Anakin videos himself eating sand and sends it to the group chat. The rest of them are trying not to laugh their asses off.

Anakin: 😒

Ahsoka: Alright SkyGuy, who are you gonna pick?

Anakin: Spryte. Truth or dare.

Spryte: ... Dare

Anakin: *Snickers* I dare you... To kiss Fives.

Spryte: ...

Anakin: Oh and don't forget, you need to send proof 😆

Spryte: ................................................................. Fine.

Spryte goes to find Fives, kisses him, and Hardcase takes a picture, snickering as he does it. The rest of the group not only laughs, but teases mostly Spryte.

Anakin: Ooooooo

Spryte: Anakin I swear to the force if you don't shut up I'm going to find you and beat you 😒

Anakin: 😂

Spryte: Alright, Master. Truth or Dare.

Obi-Wan: There's been some pretty interesting dares, so I'm gonna go wth truth.

Spryte: *Grins evilly* Are you and Satine dating?

Obi-Wan: ...

Ahsoka: Well? Are you? We all want to know

Obi-Wan: The duchess and I are just good friends.

Jesse: Right... just like how Fives and Spryte are "Just Good Friends"

Spryte and Fives: Hey!!

Obi-Wan: *Sighs* Ahsoka, Truth or Dare

Ahsoka: Truth. It can't be any worse than the dares that have been happening

Obi-Wan: Who is better, Anakin or me?

Spryte: Oof

Ahsoka: Well.... you're both equally the best, it all depends on what it is. Reckless battle plans that probably won't work, but do, Anakin is better with that. Plans that make sense and will most likely turn out well, Master Kenobi is better at that.

Anakin: We all know that I'm better, she's just saying that so that Obi-Wan doesn't get offended.

Ahsoka: *Sighs* Okay, Rex. Truth or dare?

Rex: Dare Commander.

Ahsoka: I dare you to mix up all of Master Kenobi's tea

Obi-Wan: 😟😔

Rex goes and mixes all of Obi-Wan's up all of his tea

Rex: Alright, it's been done. Jesse, truth or dare?

Jesse: Dare

Rex: I dare you to paint your armour pink for a week.

Jesse: ... Rex

Rex: Yes?

Jesse: I hate you

Rex: 😁

Jesse: Alright, Fives, Truth or Dare?

Fives: Dare!!

Spryte: Jesse if you make him kiss me I swear to the force I'll kill you

Jesse: 😳 Fives, I dare you to give Hardcase sugar.

Fives: Oh no.. this isn't gonna end well

Fives gives Hardcase sugar, causing him to just about bounce off the walls.

Fives: Hardcase, truth or dare?

Harcase: Dare!!

Fives: I dare you to lick Echo!! 😆

Echo: Wait... what?!!!

Hardcase, being hyper from the sugar, starts chasing Echo around attempting to lick him.
~Hardcase and Echo have left the chat~

Anakin, still spitting out sand: Well That sure was intersecting...

I hope you enjoyed!! This was pretty fun to write. My sister Destiny_Star_865 helped me come up with the dares and the truths.

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