False Memories

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The principal found Lydia on the side of the school at 7:00. She was covered in cuts and bruises. Two minutes later she was being rushed to the hospital by doctors and nurses. She was put on life support and given a blood transfer. She went under massive surgery that day, costing her family over 1000 dollars. Her face was torn to pieces, her skin was scarred. Worst of all, her hippocampus was extremely damaged, giving her temporary amnesia. She would have no memory of anybody for what could be another 9 months. Until then, we were to stay put and let her memories come back themselves.

Throughout the entirety of Lydia's hospitalization, I stayed at her side. Of course, sometimes Rei would have to go back home, but I'd never leave. Lydia was stuck in the hospital for an entire month. Due to the severe amount of brain damage, she was unconscious most of the time. Yet, when she was awake, I found myself talking to her even if she couldn't hear me. Her head was shaved because of surgery, and scars littered her body, but she was beautiful inside and out, no matter what happened to her.

"Lydia, please get better. Please," I'd whisper every time she was conscious. She never responded, but sometimes I felt she knew what I was saying. She smiled sometimes, although usually sad. The doctors said she was getting better, that eventually, she'd be able to leave.

Then, the day came. Lydia was allowed to leave the hospital and continue her normal life. Her parents had ordered a wig at her request, for she didn't want to return to school bald. I personally felt she looked beautiful either way, but I knew she'd deny that statement if I were to tell her. Even throughout all she had been through, however, her blue eyes shone as bright as they had always, and her smile was just as beautiful as it had always been.

Lydia left the hospital on April 30th, not remembering any of the people she saw. She went outside and simply smiled before walking off to her house. I felt tears sting my eyes as she walked through her white door, ignoring the neighbors waving outside. I refused to follow her. She wouldn't ever even remember me if I went up to her now.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing on the cool plains of Promise High. Sadness clung to my heart like an annoying two-year-old who refused to let go. Tears ran down my face as I thought of Lydia not recognizing me, or Rei when she came back to school. It would be a while before I'd be able to see her brown hair bouncing as she jumped in my face, telling me everything that had happened. Before I'd be able to listen to her sing those random songs she'd make up. Before I'd be able to watch her dance around in the grass like the world has Disappeared. Before I'd be able to hold her in my arms and feel like I'll never have to let go.

"I miss you, Lydia," I whispered. And I could only pray that she'd said "I miss you too."

John and Jane were not too far away. In fact, they were on the other side of the building, arguing. The two were screaming at the top of their lungs. They were screaming about Lydia. Jane was claiming that she was a waste of time and a useless human being. John had the opposite opinion. The two were bickering like it was their last day on earth and they wanted to spend it arguing. Legs we're kicked in faces and arms were swung like crazy. They were mad, very mad.

John was trying not to hurt Jane too badly. He wanted to knock some sense into her as I would've. Jane was practically trying to kill John and used all of her energy in an attempt to hurt him. That day he didn't die, but he got hurt fairly badly. At the end of it all, they said a few last words to each other before walking away.

"I loved you, Jane. I still love you. But you cannot insult my best friend like that." John stated, blood dripping down his forehead.

"Oh, I never loved you hon. You were just a pawn in a much bigger game. At least, it was bigger than your walnut-sized brain."

John swung at her head, causing her to topple over.

"At least I don't have the emotion of a rock."

He strutted away like a peacock. Jane was left stunned on the ground as if she had been told crop tops weren't a thing anymore. Then, once John was out of sight she dusted herself off and walked away.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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