Diaries and Ferris Wheels

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A few weeks went by without Lydia and me talking to Jane. She and her gaggle of girls seemed to avoid us every step they took, and John followed them always. Jane seemed to entrap him with her words and he'd never leave her side. Sometimes we'd see them kissing in a corner; John looking like he was going to soar into the air with excitement. They were disgusting.

Lydia and I decided to chill by the ponds and creeks surrounding the area at lunchtime. It was one of the few times I'd control Rei. We'd relax beside each other while studying the shapes of the clouds and the pictures in the trees. I loved those moments because they felt stress-free, calm, happy. I felt like I was going to soar into the air with excitement.

Eventually, those moments became less frequent and more amazing. Sometimes Rei would let me control him at night. Those days, Lydia and I would stare at the stars and pick out constellations. We'd stay there all night, usually falling asleep. Those days were precious to me, happy. They were the times Lydia was truly happy and not always depressed. She was so much better that way.

After a few weeks, Light told me that I needed to start confessing to people again. She said that if I found it too hard to convince people I was Rei, I could do what she called the diary technique.

"Chances are your parents won't believe you're Rei, so I'd write all your confessions down in a diary of sorts. Give it to someone and ask them to hand it to your parents. I've seen this done many times and parents never fail to read the book," she said.

That day I wrote all my thoughts about my parents in a black diary that Rei gave me. The cover was cloth and dotted in white stars. Swirls of blue blotted the black cover, creating a galaxy. It was a lovely book indeed, and I was excited to use it.

I started the book simply, writing "Dear Diary". I summed up my random feeling about school and moved on to write about my parents.

Finally, my parents. I love them so much. Even when my attitude is awful and my randomness causes problems, they never cease to love me. They keep me safe and healthy no matter what, and I can't help but love them for that. They're amazing as pie and I will never forget how great they've been and will continue to be.

As I was writing that last sentence I started to tear up. To think that the day I died was also the day I realized that. I was amazed.

The next day I gave Lydia my book. She, in turn, gave it to my parents who read it with such love and sadness that even my ghostly self cried. I missed them so much. They thanked Lydia and hugged her. I smiled at the picture; they were all so sweet.

For the rest of that day, we hung out together at an amusement park. It was filled to the brim with exciting rides such as rollercoasters and spinning cars! Colors were at every corner and beautiful decoration lined the carnival tents. Everywhere you looked a child was going crazy over a giant stuffed animal. It was quite a beautiful scene, filled with joy.

John, Lydia, and I rode each ride carelessly. We dared each other to do ridiculous things, like act like an idiot in any photos or act insane. To be honest it was one of the most enjoyable days of our lives.

"So how ya doing Lydia??" I asked, slyly.

"I swear to gosh darn pie that if you make me do one more ride I'm going to throw up rainbows."

We laughed as we turned to John, who was talking to a girl about our age. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Her outfit was very vibrant and full of colors. She wore a galaxy t-shirt with a cat on each planet and a pair of blue jeans. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a rainbow scrunchie.

"And then a unicorn cat ate my hat!" We heard her say as we walked by.

We burst into giggles. Laughing, we went over to the majestic candy shop right next to our favorite ride, the Ferris wheel. We ate jellybeans and lollipops while reminiscing over past memories. Gosh, I loved her.


I ignored Rei. Lydia was smiling wider than the giant lollipop that she held. After practically throwing up from laughing, we walked over to the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel was humongous. It was as big as two Promise High Schools and was glowing in bright, neon colors. Lights coated the metallic ride. The seats were different shades of pink, green, and yellow. The sight was lovely.  About 2 people were riding the wheel as we approached its massive entrance. It was 8:00 pm so we'd have to leave the park in thirty minutes.

As we approached our Ferris wheel seats I got a view of just how beautiful the ride was. Not only was it vibrant and hand-painted by masterful artists, but it was coated in glitter and flowers. It was obviously garden themed. We sat down on our rosebush-themed seat and the ride started. It was a slow, calm ride that was accompanied by many different calm songs. I couldn't help by smile as we made our way to the top of the ride.

We looked over a sea of color, the park. Rides swirled in the distance. A rollercoaster zoomed across the park in one burst on energy, accompanied by a magical "AHHHH"! Even with all the rides below us, the most beautiful part was Lydia's joy. She laughed non-stop and her grin brought more happiness than any of the other rides.


"Shut it Rei," I responded.

"What was that??" Lydia asked.

"The park is beautiful, isn't it?"

She nodded, giggling. We smiled as I pulled her into a hug.

After the ride, we met up with John. He and the girl from earlier were hand in hand, pointing out many random rides.

"So John who's that??" I asked, smiling.

"Oh, she's my new friend, Charlotte!!!" He responded. I nodded as we walked towards the exit. He waved goodbye to Charlotte and we went back to our homes. I left Rei, who shouted "OOOO SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH!!!" as I disappeared. I laughed; that doofus.

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