Finding Lydia

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"Light...Light I'm so sorry for you!"

Light's backstory had been tragic. To think your own (almost) sister would've done that to you, it was horrific.

"I don't need your pity. I've gotten enough already. Vida should be a Senior at Promise now, so you've seen her before."

"Oh...well, are you gonna make that report to Casper?"

"I have to, so I'll be right back."

I nodded. She jumped off the edge of the building and flew into a downwards spiral. Her wings were back to black. I was in the library again. The walls were neon and bright and books still lined the room. Reds and blues covered the floors. It was blinding. I sat in the room for a few minutes before Light flew back into the room. She was flushed and angry and didn't say a word. She opened the portal and thrust us both in.

"Alright Kyle, you can go do your thing."

I nodded and went to find Rei. He was sitting outside, drinking some apple juice, staring at the sky. Oh lord. I envisioned myself inside of him and poof I was back inside his body.

Eyyy man! Where ya been!? It's been like three hours!

I ignored him and went to go find Lydia. The students were running out of the school; the final bell had rung. John came out first, holding hands with Jane. He saw me and waved.

"Bye Jane!" He said, pulling her into a hug. "Can't wait for that date."

She kissed him. It was a slow, warm kiss that was followed by a deep look in the eyes, like one of those scenes in romance movies. The students behind them snapped photo after photo of them as they waved goodbye, blowing more kisses to each other at their exit. Oooo was heard from everyone. John skipped past me happily, heading to his other boy group. I sighed, what a mistake he made dating Jane.

The band of popular girls followed Jane like baby chicks. They wore about a thousand different shades of lip gloss and their hair was either down, or pulled into an extra-high ponytail. Jane wore fake eyelashes, ripped jeans, a crop top that showed her entire midriff, and the heaviest load of makeup I've ever seen. Blue eye shadow was layered on top of her eyelids and bright red lipstick covered her lips.

She walked over to Lydia, who was sitting in the school garden. Her hair was blowing in the wind uncontrollably as she watched the animals pass by. She was wearing a black t-shirt and jean shorts. Her bright blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight like the pond of water in the middle of the garden.

Jane stopped at Lydia's face, slapping it. Her girl gang giggled, ready to claw Lydia to pieces with their cat-like nails. Lydia stood up. The girls went at her like mad-women. She was punched and bruised for five minutes, then they left. Lydia's face was covered in blood. Jane finished with a smirky remark, walking away stylishly and giggling.

I rushed over to Lydia, holding back tears. She was crying, angry. Her face was red and I could tell she wanted to punch someone's lights out; specifically, Jane's. The black t-shirt was blood-stained and her shorts had turned from a denim blue to a deep red. Scratches littered her body and she was bruised and broken. I pulled her into a hug, avoiding any hurt areas. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Thank you, Kyle," she whispered.

"Lydia, how long has this been going on!?"

She paused, unsure of how to respond.

"Since you died. Before that, it was just name-calling."

I froze. Lydia had been going through this since I died. I wanted to beat Jane into a pulp then throw her off a cliff into a pit of lava. Jane had been doing this for an entire year. I stood up and looked straight into Lydia's eyes.

"I will never let Jane do this to you again," I said, storming off.

Jeez, dude that's tough. Like, REALLY tough.

"Shut the pie up Rei," I said.

He silenced himself accordingly. I marched over to where Jane was. She was giggling with her girlfriends as if she didn't just hurt Lydia. They were styling hair in a giant circle, gossiping. Jane was putting makeup on different girls and her best friend, Vida, was handing out hair-bows and clips. They talked about boys and embarrassing things their enemies did. Each girl was wearing some crop-top and ripped jeans.

"Ey Jane, I got a message from some boy named Kyle Abodyn," I said.

"Um, he's dead," Jane responded.

"Yeah, about that. I'm Kyle...and I despise you."

I lunged at her. Shock covered her face as I punched her in the forehead, knocking her back. I kicked her in the neck, screaming about how she should never have hurt Lydia. I hated her. I wanted her gone. So I confessed everything I felt about her. She hurt me, she hurt Lydia, and she was soon going to hurt John. Now, I was going to hurt her. She was going to pay for the pain she caused.

"Well, Kyle. Glad to know you're back," she said, getting up. "I see you have plenty of fight in you. I won't tell the teachers anything by the way. You have a fair reason to hurt me. Yet, I will never stop hurting Lydia."

She and her group ran away quickly, leaving me stunned. There was no way Jane could keep this up forever, right? Lydia couldn't survive that! Lydia could die if this went on any longer!

And I oop sksksksksk!

"I swear to pie Rei. Shut up now."

This is MY body sir.

I ignored him. For now, I'd have to leave Lydia be. I had other people to confess to, not just her. I told Rei goodbye and went to find Light. She was sitting inside Jane's little girl circle crying. No one could see her. She kept staring at Vida sadly, tears rolling down her face. Vida was gossiping about some girl named Kylie who was in jail now for shooting a girl. The entire group laughed with her as she talked about Joanne, who was expelled a few years ago for almost killing a girl. The entire group laughed and giggled the entire story. Light was whimpering now, depressed.

"Vida...what happened to you?" She asked.

Dead Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें