Desperate measures call for desperate lies

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Jamie stood shocked and frightened as yet another drop of blood run down her leg, gathering on the sole of her bare foot. The hotel floor was stained but nothing would be permanent, it was marble after all. Smooth and now, slippery with the remains of yet another failed conception. Tears run down her cheeks, a cold sweat appeared on her forehead.... And Ricky on the door, petrified with a horrified look" Babe.... " He whispered.

Jamie and Ricky had been trying to conceive a baby of their own for years now, and already had 3 miscarriages while they did so, thus being very stressed, very careful, but... So sad that they couldn't have a baby of their own. Ricky approached his lover in a slow manner, his vampiric senses telling him that the baby was no more, and infact.... A greyish, bloody ball was in her palms. " I am the problem... I am the fucking problem" she cried out in a pained voice, falling down on her knees. Her mouth opened, and as she cried, nothing came out, a silent fit of whaling following.

All Ricky could do was hold her, as he too cried, in remorse of hurting Jesse, and in pain that he had not been careful enough. He had never laid a hand on her, but expressing his need for a child and his secret jealousy of his leader's happiness was enough to drive Jamie into a sickening mindset. That they must have children" shhhh" he tried to calm her down" I don't need babies to feel completed! I have you. I have you, my world... My love is endless for you" he finally whispered in her ear, holding her closer as he picked her up" I will clean you up... I will make you feel better baby, I am here because I love you.... My happiness is you... My life is yours " he promised to his eternal mate. His other half.

The vampiress was just speechless, her heart pounding against her chest as her red irises glowed from sadness" but... But... I ... I can't con-conceive... I have .... I am weak ... You " she sobbed, trying to breath but ending up crying harder from the loss" I don't deserve you... You need someone better" she screamed, only for Ricky to silence her with a kiss, a soft kiss out of love.

Suddenly, Rose appeared outside of the open hotel room, knocking gently on it before entering. She knew that Jamie was not alright, and having a somewhat of a sisterly bond now with her, Rosalie felt that something was not right. " Dear lord" she whispered, slowly walking towards the couple" let me help you, yeah?" She mumbled before looking at Ricky, nodding for him to go to Chris" Chris wants to talk to you, Ricky.... Let me take it from here, ok?" Rosalie whispered, her tone slightly hushed as she didn't want to disturb the innocent young vampire in her arms.

" I know that loosing a child is one of the most gruesome feeling one can have, and... I can feel it honestly, how you are right now. But Jamie... the way you are trying it is wrong. Children are supposed to be the outcome of a loving union between too people, they are the person that combine two different personalities into one, creating a whole new person. By trying to get what others have, even if it is your wishes, you simply fail to take it seriously that parenthood is nothing but a heavy loads of emotional and physical stress, to protect the one character that you wrote in your story." She mumbled to her, feeling the need to take place as a leader in a situation.

The, Rosalie let go of the breath she didn't realize she held, and smiled sadly" I have lost a child once with Chris, although he doesn't know. That day, when I had fainted? Remember that I said I was so tired, and with my period starting that day, that it was for that reason that I had fainted? It wasn't. I went to my OBGYN some days later, and found out that I was some weeks pregnant before the bleeding started. I haven't told anyone, not even Chris, because I didn't want him to be scared of me loosing another. Sometimes, desperate measures call for desperate lies. He learned eventually, after  the birth of our daughters, but only so that he knew that I would be the one to talke to you" she explained, before getting the girl up and helping her clean up. Then she decided that it could be a good idea to head on to a spa for some time, and smirked" I will go and call on a spa for us two, you should honestly consider sitting down on the couch till im back ok?" she asked, and all she received was still a shoked nod from Jamie, before heading outside.

Chris, meanwhile, was explaining the same to Ricky, making sure to solve out any kind of  issues he had with his blood brother and co-leader of the coven, before bro hugging him" You have taken the place of my lost brother Ricky. And all I can do for you is give you the advice a brother could give. Be in love and it will be naturally given to you both. Don't chase it, Make it. " He explained, looking up to see his beautiful lover come in" You are going to a spa aren't you?" he asked her, with Ricky turning around to grab Jamie into a hug he had been wanting to give her for so long. He kissed the woman deeply and smiled a bit, making sure to project exactly what he felt for her" I love you, Cara mia" He whispered softly. " Have fun yeah? I will be going out with Chris to get something I have been meaning to fetch. Meet you later beautiful" He pointed softly,before letting the girls go to have fun. 

( I am back my loves! I am sorry for the LOOOOONG hiatus. With everything that has happened, Covid, family drama, relationship ending and a new one starting, as well as me finding my self in working non stop, it was so hard to focus on writing something. But i am back, and will update whenever it is possible for me.  How is everyone? I have missed you all!) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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