We Tied Our Hands To The Wheel

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She was running though the deep forest, the snow was echoing though the steps as she run, running with a hope of survival, running to find a way to the end, the freedom she searched so many months. Suddenly, the girl in the red cape stopped, heavily pregnant and breathless, and stood behind the trees to cover herself. He was following her, one of them, trying his best to end the family line once and for all. The other one had managed to get away, but he had found the sister, the naive little girl who had fallen for someone inhumane. The girl gasped as she heard a twig snap behind the tree, and went to flee but fell down, a hard push was all it took. Then her scared face ... And a scream ....


Rosalie flew up from the bed, sweat flowing down her face and neck as she looked at the clock on the nightstand, breathless and scared from the nightmare. The same dream she had had ever since she first tasted human blood, the pregnant human and the hunter. She had never seen his face and she couldn't understand why but that dream was so.... So real.

Then it came down on her what today was. Although she hadn't forgotten, the wedding jidders must have taken a toll on her and her anxiety had caused her to see that dream again. From the other room of the house, she could honestly hear Ricky and Jemma, talk and trying not to wake her up.

" My dear Lord, what on Earth is wrong with you. Honestly sometimes you are just like the girls, only worse" Jemma exclaimed to Ricky while he hugged her from behind, his eyes looking at his mate with a soft and childish look that only naughty kids could ever pull off. He kissed the nape of her neck with a sense of need, a hunger that had him eating so many days to finally enjoy her perfect skin" you know that because it's the wedding day, the custom has us mate ... The whole coven, to celebrate the married couple's union. " He teased, his fingers stroking her left side, the formal attire that he wore complimenting his built body and ass. But he could well say the same for his own wife, as her white dress hugged her curves. " I will leave you to get Rosalie ready. I believe that our Leader needs me to fix his shirt and tie" he chuckled before pecking her lips, and vanishing, leaving Jemma to daydream for a bit of how their night would be.

Kylie on the other hand, rushed around to fix Rosalie's outfit to a neat row, starting from the body and going outwards, up until the veil. The theme to this wedding was something that both Chris and Rosalie enjoyed, and that was the woods, the night and the stars, reminding them how their first unofficial date was, in the woods at dusk to meet each other better, and the night of their union as mates, with her turning into someone better. " Oh dearie .... You are awake... Go on and get in the shower.. chop chop" she said, clapping her hands together to urge Rosalie to move quickly.
It was after all the special day today.

The dress was custom-made, a gift from Chris to his love as he had once seen her sketch it out on paper. One of those nights that she couldn't sleep, she had picked a random sketch of a dress and innovated it to be a beautifully dark dress, and Chris had told her that this could be a wedding dress. Rosalie had indeed agreed to it, saying that it was the first thought that she had of making when she picked up that pencil. Secretly to her, Chris had ordered for it to be ready when they would finally have the wedding, excited that she would have the one she dreamed of.

Walking into the room, Rosa looked up at the girls who were waiting, and bit her lip, sitting down on the chair as ordered by Emily, Justin's wife. She looked at herself through the mirror and frowned a bit, blinking a few times to clear her eyesight and taking a breather as well.... The girl she saw in her dreams, she thought that it stood behind her a moment, all bloody and dead looking, although the vision disappeared... And forward came Kylie, who started with her makeup.

Her hair were straight, black, and shining with a healthy glow as they reached her tailbone on the back, her nails simple and nude, her eyes a smokey black grey and her lips the color of blood, she was a Morticia Addams personafied as she rose to observe the movements around her. The girls brought forth the dress and and Rosalie had gasped. She quickly realized it was that particular dress that had melted her core, and immediately Chris popped in her mind. That man.... Although he knew that she wasn't the one to ask or actually be a fan of luxury and pampering, he had gone so far as to give her the dress of her dreams. The smile on her face said it all... The shoes were beautifully simple to contrast the exaggerated look, the jewelry were something simple, like the coven pendant and a claw ring with diamonds on her left pointer finger. There was no veil included, as she wasn't comfortable with it, and had agreed to not wearing one on this day... Not that it bothered anyone, but she just had cleared it out in the first place.

Taking one last look in the mirror, she felt the hands of her new found sisters engulf her and wish her luck, to which she smiled kindly, blushing like a maniac " Thank you.... Truly... Thank you for accepting me into this family, and thank you for being the sisters I always wished to have. That I always dreamed of. ". Jemma smiled at that. She had been the one to help Rosalie though the difficult time of rehab, when she was saved from the hunters, and she knew just howuch this girl could bottle up and keep inside" you deserve the world and sooo much more, sister... Now you will have it" she assured her. Suddenly a knock on the door broke the touchy moment, and there was Ryan, the one who would walk the bride down the aisle, smiling at them" it's time to go girls" he noted.

Today she was happy. Today her life was being completed by a ceremonial act of deep meaning. Of God blessing them to be wedded.... Husband and Wife... Mr. & Mrs Cerulli.... Christopher and Rosalie... Forever and Always


The dress that Rosalie wore is this.... I hope you guys liked the chapter.xoxo


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