Chapter 50

896 46 16

Offensive language

"So how have you been Nicky?" My mum asked giving me one of her genuine smiles which were rarely seen during my childhood.

"I'm doing great mum" I reply putting on a fake smile trying to hide the sadness.

"You find anyone" she asked smirking before turning around to get us a drink.

"Yeah Tony....." I started before rambling on about Tony and our dates. I made some random scenarios to make up for the time he was in a coma. I was talking until I had noticed my mum was staring at me.

"He's a guy?" she said her facial expression unreadable and an eyebrow raised in confusion? disgust?

"Ummmm yeah" i said nervous for her reaction and discreetly backing up towards the door.

"I'm so happy for you" she said embracing me in a tight hug tears streaming down both our faces.

"And I'm not you are a fag surprise surprise" a loud booming voice filled the spacious kitchen.


And I'm leaving you on a cliff hanger. I will now be updating everyone day or maybe twice to make up for not writing for a long time. And Nick's back. I am going to be focusing on his POV for maybe 7 more chapter and then do an equal switch. Sorry he has been gone so long. I wondered if you wanted smut. I cant write it but if anyone wants to write it and be credited i dont mind. Like as a Tonick bonus chapter since you guys miss them so much. : )

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