Chapter 15

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Nick's POV

Everyone else followed behind us. Me and Tony got in the first cabin. Then Addison and Avani, Charli and Dixie,Chase and Ondreaz, Patrick and Calvin,Alex and Kouvr , Thomas and Ryland. It was an odd number so Paper went by himself.

"Are you sure you're okay Bub" Tony asked kissing my forehead and squeezing my hand tight.He had noticed me slightly shaking

"I'm okay" I said my voice still trembling with fear. I tried to overcome my fear by admiring the amazing view from the windows. We were almost at the top when I started to panic. Then suddenly our cabin froze mid-air with a huge jolt.

Tony's POV

The cabin just stopped. I took out my phone and called Ondreaz.

Bold is Tony. Underlined is Ondreaz

Yo bro what happened

No idea. Me and Chase haven't got on yet let me ask

K. Bye

I looked down and saw Addison Avani under us on their phones. I turned my attention back to Nick.I noticed that Nick was getting really scared. I held his hand and he squeezed it really tight whilst hugging me and trying not to look down. I started to notice that he was hyperventilating.

"Bub look at me" I said trying to get his attention.

Nick's POV

I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face.

"Breathe okay. Just breathe" Tony said trying to calm me down. Then he got a call from Ondreaz again.

Bro the Ferris Wheel's broken. They have gone to get someone to fix it.

How long do we have to wait

Bout an hour


I couldn't wait an hour up here.I started panicking ever more squeezing Tony's hand tighter then it already was. I think he had noticed because he turned around to face me away from the window and gave me a kiss.

"Its okay baby. We will be fine just sleep."He said trying to reassuring me as much as possible

I started getting very nervous.

"Try this. Look at me breathe. Try copy me okay. Deep breath in and out." he said. I started to follow what he was saying and calmed down.

He brought me over to his lap and started playing with me hair humming a song that I didn't know the name of. Eventually I fell asleep I felt so calm and safe in his arms.

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