Charlotte hugged me "We're so sorry, we couldn't be there"

"No worries, the hospital would have sent us out if we were lime hundred people In a room" I said as I wiped my tears..

Michelle and Kylie came into the class... Eyes bloodshot, guess we all cried at home.

"Don't cry" Charlotte said as she hugged them when they sat down in front of us...

"Did you read?" Jason asked me and I sighed.

"I listened to the audio book for like 30 minutes on our way to school" I said and he nodded.

The teacher entered the class also looking at me with pity! I don't need it.

"Ivy, you won't be able to sit there" The teacher said and I nodded... We couldn't be three for the exam.

The only free seat for fucks sake is Finn's seat... Chase was seating with Charlotte today and Jason always! During any exams chooses to be alone.

I sincerely don't cheat.

I nervously sat beside him... He looked at me and went back to whatever he was doing...

"Um... I'm sorry for yelling, I was stressed" I said not facing him..

"The exam is starting now" He said and I had to look at him..

I felt hurt. A lot of feelings were running through me.

I felt hurt. Angry. Sad. Broken.

I'll do this exam and forget it ever happened.


"How was your exam?" I asked Camille after her exam...

We always did that after every exam, go to her block to ask her.

"I was excused" She said and I furrowed my brows.

"Why?" I asked and she sighed

"I puked" she said and I nodded.

Chloe, Naomi, Calvin, Lucas and Noah came to join us...

Calvin hugged me... I was surprised, that's the closest we've gotten. I hugged him back and sighed.

"I'm so sorry" He said and I smiled.

Naomi was looking at me" Mom and Dad were not home, jessica doesn't know how to drive yet"

"No problem" I said as smiled at her...

"Your Dad called us but my parents are... Will I say hospiphobic, they'll puke if they ever come to any hospital" He said and I nodded in understanding.

"That's not even a word" Noah said and we all laughed... It wasn't genuine...

"Got to go, make sure Camille eats"  I said and they nodded...

I made my way out of their block straight into ours... I had just one paper left...

I entered the lunch room... Jordan wasn't there.

"Where's Jordan?" I asked, Kylie wasn't there too "And Kylie?"

"When you don't see those two, don't ask" Caleb said... And I sighed..

Izzy wasn't here too, I was about to ask when he came to the table but he had someone with him.

Emma Heartfield!

"You know her?" Charlotte asked me... I said that out?

She was like an inch shorter than me... She was wearing a short flared denim skirt with a black top tucked in and a black sweatshirt tied around her waist. She wasn't cold?

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