Chapter 13

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I rushed out of the house cause I was running late for school. I got into my car, and put the key in the ignition but it didn't start. I tried again but nothing. I got out  and raised the hood. I froze when I realized the battery of my car was missing.

"What?" I ran my fingers through my hair in fustration. "How did this-" realisation hit me hard. Zayn must have done this, but how? The car was working fine when he gave me my keys.

" How am I supposed to get to school now?" I was on the verge of crying. The bus must have already left. I did some breathing exercises so I wouldn't cry.

When I was calm, I decided to walk to school. Which would take me forty minutes to do that.

By the time I got to school, it was already  second period. I grabbed the books I needed for class and went for class.

The teacher was already halfway through the lesson when I walked in, " and where were you Mr. Styles?" Our history teacher Mrs Williams asked. "Someone stole the battery of my car" I said nonchalantly.

"Liar!"someone said loudly, it was Shawn one of the football players. " Not only are you a bitch but a liar, you're a lieing bitch" he said and high fives his friend beside him.

" I don't tolerate such language in my class Mendez" the teacher said strictly. " It's the truth sir admit it harry, you're late because you were out making porn videos last night" the whole class Concord. I frowned, "that's a lie" I said, "enough harry to your seat, shawn principal's office now " she said.

He tried to talk but the teacher stopped him, I went to my seat quietly. He stopped by my table " you'll pay bitch" he growled and left. Wow!the day hasn't even started for me and I'm already in trouble.

The bell for third period went, I packed my bag and left the class. I got to my locker, not before noticing that people were pointing at me, gossiping about me and some were looking at me in disgust. I opened my locker and a picture fell out of it. I picked it up.

I felt the color drain from my face. It was a picture of me... naked, I dropped the picture and looked around. They were all looking at me with disgust. " I told you you'd pay " I turned, gigi was standing there with a bitchy look on her face.

" Ugly bitch"

" why don't you go back to the dumpster you crawled out from"

" why don't you just disappear?"

" You're a waste of space and oxygen" they threw different insults at me.

Gigi strutted towards me, " you see nobody wants you, you're a slut seeking attention, rubbing yourself on the new guy won't get him to be your friend and very soon Niall will realize that you are just a burden" she sneered in my face.

I bit the insides of my cheeks to stop myself from giving any expression. " You should see your face right now, you look so pathetic. Don't ever mess with me again" after she said that she left and so did the crowd. I stood by my self in the empty hallway facing my closed locker.

A tear fell from my eye, I wiped it  and let out a shaky breath. My lips quivered as I tried not to  break down. Don't let her get under your skin, I repeated to myself. I exhaled and headed for my next class.

Time skips...

I entered the cafeteria and joined the lunch line, people still talked about the stupid totally obvious edited photo of me. I guess they knew it was edited but just wanted to make fun of me. I collected my lunch and went to seat at my favorite spot. I ate my sandwich quietly and peacefully.

But I guess shawn decided that it was time to take his revenge on me. " Hey bitch! Think fast!" He yelled from his table and threw his pizza slice at me. It landed on my shirt, I didn't move I just continued eating. They laughed, suddenly I felt something wet on my hair and clothes, I looked up and saw shawn's girlfriend Camilla holding a now empty can of soda in her hand.

Soon I was being hit with varieties of food. I was stained with food from head to toe. I shielded my face with my arm. Through my arms I met his eyes, they held disappointment. I couldn't take it anymore so I grabbed my bag and ran out of the cafeteria.

As I was running, I bumped into a wall and stumbled. " Harry?" I looked up and met luke's shocked eyes. I don't ever want to see you near that luke guy.

" What happened to you?" He asked with concern, I shook my head and continued running until I got to boy's bathroom. I entered one of the stalls and let all the tears fall, I didn't care if anyone heard me I just cried. I cried until I felt myself slipping into unconciousness.

But before I fainted, I saw a pair of grey Nikes from the space underneath the door.


I read a fanfic where zayn was straight and perrie was his gf. But he was forced to marry harry by his dad and the fall in love when they went to honeymoon....if anyone know this story's name. Plz let me know.❤❤


Love u all . Have a gd day💋

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