You knew that was the end of the conversation as the water turned on. So you decided to leave. Not telling him. He knew were you were going so that was that.

Driving over to Bulmas house, you picked her up. "I'm so excited!" She yells as she enters the car with Yamacha getting in the back. She wore a blue dress that was too short in your opinion as Yamacha wore grey dress pants and a white shirt.

"I know!" You squealed.

"Hey. Where's your husband?" Yamacha asked.

You shook your head sighing. "Hes being a party pooper." You say plainly as you drive to the club. Krillin and 18 were meeting you since Goku wasn't allowed. "My parents are watching Trunks, but he still won't come."

"Sorry." Bulma says sadly for you

You shook your head. "Its fine." You give a small smile. "Just means we can dance without me being pulled from the dance floor." You look at Bulma.

"Hell yes girl!" She agrees.

"What about me babe?" Yamacha says to Bulma.

"What? You just step on my feet." She says making you and her laugh lightly.

As you all entered the club, you saw Krillin and 18 at the bar. She wore a black dress as Krillin wore black dress pants and a white shirt.

It was a little bit of a nicer club so people dressed up a bit. Especially since Bulma invested in this specific bar.

You hugged 18 with a smile. "How are you?"

She smiled at you. "I'm doing good. I had to drag him here though." She says nodding towards Krillin as you two seperate.

You nod. You knew he always worked. Krillin was also scared to be around Vegeta but he isn't here and you could tell he immediately lightened up.

"Vegeta didn't wanna come?" Krillin asked.

"Not tonight." You smile at him.

"Sorry." He smiles apologetically at you.

You shook you head waving your hand. "Its fine. If he doesn't want to come, fine. I'm not going to let it ruin my night."

Bulma finally spoke as a waiter came over with a tray full of shots. "Enough about that prince. Let's take some shots!" She shouts excitedly.

You smile at her. What could one shot do? You though as you grabbed one.

"To friends." Bulma says as you all raise your glasses and drank it. Krillin started coughing slightly. 18 patted his back making sure he was okay.

"Well what are we doing standing here?" You asked. "Let dance!" You shout letting the warm feeling in your chest take the lead.

A good 4 hours into the night and you were drunk. Trying to forget about your husband's nasty attitude. Bulma kept ordering shots as Yamacha kept ordering drinks. He ordered your (F/L/D(Favorite liquor drink)) drink.

Let's says that Vegeta never even crossed your mind. Unfortunately after dancing for so long you were growing tired as you made your way over to Bulma who was sloppily kissing her boyfriend.

"Buuuulma." You slurred slowly.

She giggled as she pulled away. Both of their checks red, along with yours from the liquor.

"Yes my love!" She said even more cheerful and slurred as well.

"I'm sleepy! My bed called me." You stopped and realized what you said making you, Bulma and Yamacha laugh loudly.

Vegeta One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now