Shizue Iwaza's Inherited Will

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Me and Rimuru were at Shizu's bedside in one of the hut that was rebuilt.

Shizu: Demon-san... Thank you. I nearly... killed someone I cared for again. With my own hands... Demon-san, Slime-san... Would you mind listening?

(YN): Of course, but you shouldn't be talking too much...

Shizu: I want people to remember my story... and know that I lived.

(YN): All right. Shizu-san told us what happened, though her recollection was vague. She spoke how Ifrit possessed her she was summoned, and how she ended up killing her friend... And...

Shizu: After Pirino died, I continued to served the Demon Lord as his closest aide. But then I met...

Rimuru: Met who?

Shizu: The Hero.

(YN): Hero?

Shizu: Yes... The Hero. There was a battle, and the Demon Lord abandoned his castle, leaving me behind as the rear guard. Was it the the will of the fire spirit Ifrit, or was it my own volition? I'm still not sure. I couldn't beat her...

Rimuru: The Hero, huh?

(YN): I don't suppose it was the same one who sealed Veldora...

Shizu: I thought I'd be killed instanly... But then she spoke to me. She asked my why I was there, how I stayed alive... I was a majin, and she believed everything I said. She told me, "It's all right now." My emotions came back to me. Then the Hero took me in... Then I met a man named Sabito... He was a Breath User like you, Demon-san... They were the ones who gave me those masks. The Hero said her mask would boost my magic resistance and help suppress Ifrit, the spirit dwelling within me. Sabito's was also enchanted with the same ability.

(YN): Hold on a sec.

I stop her from reaching the masks and hand them to her myself.

Shizu: By traveling with them, I learned about this world, and I learned about magic. Through the power of the masks, I even learned to use Ifrit's power, to some extent. By helping others, and fighting...

Rimuru: That's how you came to be known as the Conqueror of Flames. Well, that was an awesome attack, all right! You were on fire!

(YN): Yeah! Never have I seen such amazing attacks!

Shizu smiles a little bit.

Shizu: I was so happy traveling with them. But...

(YN): But?

Shizu: Sabito told me he was on a personal mission to look for his little Makomo. He gave his mask and we parted ways after that. Then the hero disappeared, leaving me behind.

Rimuru: Why did she leave you?

Shizu: I don't know. Why did she? Why... "I'm certain we'll meet again." That's what she said to me. I decided to become stronger. I wanted to help people who suffering. I worked really hard. For decades! Doesn't that sound impressive?

(YN): That's more than impressive.

Shizu: People started to call me a Champion... But I wasn't young anymore. It was becoming more difficult for me to control Ifrit. One wrong step, and I could unleash Ifrit by mistake. When I thought about that, I got scared. I knew I could hurt someone I cared about again... So I retired amd became an instructor.

Rimuru: An instructor?

Shizu: A teacher at a school.

(YN): There are schools here?

That Time I Got Reincarnated as an Upper Moon Demon (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin