The Busy Life of the Tempest Brothers

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Rimuru and I were at Freedom Academy doing attendance for our class.

Rimuru: Alice Rondo-san.

Alice: Here.

(YN): Chloe O'Bell-san.

Chloe: Here.

(YN): Okay, everyone's here. As you already know, Rimuru and I will be leaving Freedom Academy at the end of the current term.

The kids' facial expressions change from happy to sad at the announcement of our departure.

Chloe: Sensei...

Rimuru: Don't look so sad. We'll come back to visit you all the time.

Kenya: Hmph. Don't bother.

Alice: Yeah! It'll be a relief to have you gone!

Ryota: What's with the tough act?

Gale: You guys just can't be honest with yourselves.

Chloe: Tempest-sensei, you really will come to visit, right?

(YN): Of course we will! That being said, we still have less than a month left until then.

Rimuru: Also, you guys still have your finals to take first, you'd better hard!

Kenya: Ugh, finals?

A knock at the door gets our attention.

Tiss: Tempest-sensei, it's me.

(YN): Time for Tiss-sensei's class.

Rimuru leaps from the desk and transforms to his human form.

Rimuru: Come in. You guys better not make any trouble for Tiss-sensei, you hear?

Kenya smiles while putting his hands behind his head.

Kenya: We wouldn't make any trouble.

Gale: Tiss-sensei traveled to Guratol with us. We have a pretty tight bond with her now.

Tiss opens the door to show her smiling face.

Tiss: Yes, they're all great kids.

The blond hair teacher walks up to me and Rimuru.

Rimuru: Great kids, huh?

We look to the kids who were smiling back at us.

(YN): "Great" isn't the best way to describe them when Rimuru and I first met them, but they have changed so much since then. Something that Shizu-san would be more than proud of.

Rimuru: Okay, Tiss-sensei, they're all yours.

Ryota: What're you going to do, Tempest-sensei?

Alice: Probably to take a nap, I bet.

Rimuru waves his finger at her.

Rimuru: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Alice-kun, despite our appearances, Nii-san and I have a lot of work to do!

(YN): See ya later.

As Rimuru heads out the door, I stop in doorway to look at the students to who were laughing and smiling for whatever reason. I smile at them as I close the door. Me and Rimuru, with Ranga, stood atop of a hill that breathtaking view of the Kingdom of Ingrassia.

(YN): Looks like she's getting along pretty well with them.

Ranga: Yes.

Rimuru: I guess this means we can count on Tiss-sensei to take over things for us. Well, then...

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