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Since that guy didn't show in our meeting place, I decided that we should just go home and move on.

Move on? I wasted half an hour waiting! Maybe, whatever? We just go home and whatever.

Really, I shouldn't make it a big deal. But the problem is, I'm making it a big deal cause I expected too much, and now I look pathetic.

Geez. I should slow down when it comes to him. This should serve as a lesson, Kathy: he's just your friend.

I and Janice went to my house together, since I have her box of Hershey's kisses in the fridge.

We've already went through the front gate, so I'm now unlocking the door to our house.

"Er, sorry it's still not quite orderly down here. People been busy, right." I said, noticing that there are still a couple of unpacked box of things in the floor.

Obviously, Mom and Maria is not yet at home that's why I get to open the house with my duplicate key. I just know where they are at this moment.

They usually go to the supermarket to buy goods and for our dinner. That is what they usually do when we were in Seattle. But the difference is that, I wasn't allowed to go outside our house in Seattle while I can go wherever I want here in Catbalogan.

At first, everything felt strange when Mom lets me to go outside and wander around just the moment we reached this house. But I think she thought she's been too tight on me more than she should when we were abroad.

So, now I have all the freedom that I should have. I think so.

"Janice, feel at home. No one's at home anyway," I said, assuring her like 'chill' cause she seemed so worried and awkward when we entered our small living room.

"I am at home," she replied while raising an eyebrow as she hastily plumped down on the couch and crossed her legs. "Duh."

"You're such a good pretender you make me laugh, do you know that?" I sarcastically said, but I quite laughed though. "Okay, I'm going to the kitchen to get your heaven. You want to come with me?"

"Is that even a question?" She hurriedly run over me and was able to go to the kitchen first.

You monster-

"Why are you so slow, Katherine? Now I feel bad I over run you." She teased, trying her best to make a face of feeling bad.

"You tease me again, I'll call 911,"

"You are seriously not in America already, young lady!" She makes a horrified face.

"Why do I hate you, but still loves you, huh?" I narrowed my eyes, annoyed of her point of saying that I'm not in the America.

"Girl, shit happens," we just both laughed and all the bad vibes I got a while ago fades.

Janice is such a loud, funny and witty girl. She cracks everything.

"Hey, I should get the Hershey's now,"

I opened the fridge and get the box of Hershey's kisses.

"Here you go,"

"Oh my-" she gasped and stared at it in disbelief and excitement, her eyes dancing in glee, "it's smoking hot!"

"Freak, It's smoking cold. Duh." I let out my tongue. Well, it's from the fridge. "Just open it already and get over it. Geez."

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