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I panicked.

My heart is thumping so fast that my mind is so perplexed with what to do. I'm too preoccupied that I'm afraid to move even just a single step.

"Hey! Calm down, you weirdo." the stranger chortled.

I realized this stranger's voice is somewhat like a girl's. She then let go of my head and hugged me right away so tight before I am able to adjust my eyesight.

"I missed you so badly!" she said gleefully.

I gazed at her directly and recognized her face.

"Janice! Crappy frog, why did you do that? I'm so dead nervous!" I hugged her back, even tighter.

"Ouch!" we yelped in unison. Funny how sometimes, so we laugh at ourselves.

"That's for leaving me a year!" she gestured at me like a little girl blaming her mother for not buying her a candy.

"I told you I'd be back," Before she could say a word I inserted fast, "and oh! I got your box of Hershey's Kisses heeere!" I pointed lazily at my bag.

She grinned at me wickedly and instantly gets my bag.

"Hey—you got to be kidding me. Your freaking bag is full of Kisses foil!"


"I hate you."

"Sorry, but I love you, Nice. I left your box at home, in our fridge. It might have melted if I brought it with me. I've eaten some melted Kisses and yeah, some are stuck inside my bag and melted that bad," I said, "just come with me after school."

"I sure will!" she said with her wide smile on her face.

"Wait. Why didn't you attend our English class?"

"Oh, that one," she said, "I was late. So, I'm not allowed to enter the room until I finish the three-whole-sheets of paper with the epic phrase written:

'I WILL NOT BE LATE AGAIN. I WILL NOT BE LATE AGAIN. I WILL NOT...blah-blah-blah' back-to-back of the papers."


"What the fudge? Why would they do that? Were you able to finish it?"

"Yesh. Yesh. That's why I'm here," Janice said, "and since I'm now here with you,"

"Don't ask for treats." I intercepted.

"I'm not!" she laughed, "I just want to know what happened."


"When you suddenly left Philippines without letting anyone know—I mean, you never let us know what's happening. The next time we know you already left. You never let me know." she stared on her shoes as if to hide her unhappy face. I feel sorry for her that all I want to do is just to hug her as her long-missed-best friend.

"Hey," I said softly, "I'm gonna tell you everything. You're my best friend, right?" I showed a sympathetic smile, "it's just that—not now. Not this time Janice." I sighed heavily, hoping what I just said made her valuable enough for some reasons.

"Um. Have you taken your snack?"

"Not yet." she said.

"Good. Now come with me."


I had a dream last night.

I was in a middle of a heavily crowded place. I gazed around and studied the place, but then I'm not even familiar with this place.

It's about to dawn and people are scattered wherever I look. People are running back and forth with those terrified bloodshot eyes that kept on gazing back to somewhere.

Couples are holding their children close with them, running away from the place. Everyone's in a hurry that I didn't even had a chance to ask someone what is happening.

Everyone's in panic—except me. So, I decided to look for this commotion and started jogging.

As I ran far enough from the place where I stood a few minutes ago, I noticed that the time had passed away quickly, as if I wasted an hour or more with my running; yet too far from the location I'm supposed to be witnessing already.

I stopped for a while, disappointed of myself and annoyingly dog-tired. I stared at the night sky above-the crescent moon is steadily present and the stars are shining coldly up above me.

My sight blurred a little and I felt quite dizzy. I gasped for air, catching my exact breathing.


I'm not supposed to tire myself from running too long enough. I easily get tired of doing some stupid-simple-things because of my asthma.

Now I can feel it.

I breathed heavily; sweating so badly I felt the back of my jacket wet from sweating. I looked around the road surprisingly.

It is quiet and very still now.

My mind is clouded, my sight became more blurred when I think I saw the last person running away too fast.

"Help-" I tried to shout, to bring my gut out, but my voice became a whisper and my mind is all but black.

I knew this will happen. I'm so doomed in this creepy place... I'd be left here all alone till the sun rises. I wonder what might happen?

Flashbacks, faces, and recurrences flared in my mind-would I still be able to meet the morning sun? Would I still be in my room when I wake up? Would I still be going to school tomorrow? Would I still see my parents?; My siblings?; My wacky friends?; My best friend?; My loved ones? And deep inside I wonder, will I still see him play the piano for me again? How pathetic and tragic my story would end. I cried silently, thinking if those things will still happen after this.

Now, I'm almost fading. My eyes slowly closed and I felt myself falling.


I fainted.

In someone's secured tender arms.


©2014 by ellejaune

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