393 34 29
  • Dedicated to Mildred Daradal

I'm Back

"Katherine Rouge, 15 years of age and soon would be sweet this August. Brown eyes, brown curls, 5'3" and—"


I forgot myself for a minute. I never know that eyes can really smile.

Elliott Genner is staring at me as if I made his first day morning class pleasing.

Okay. That's unbelievable.

I'm daydreaming. Now wake up Kathy.

"And uh... I live here in Catbalogan," I continued, "and yeah—I. Uh—I'm a new student here." I flashed a quick smile as I finish my first meet-and-greet portion and walked straight to my seat. I can feel my cheeks still burning.

Was that overwhelming gaze was really for me?

The bell rang and echoed around the campus. It's our break time already.

"Hey, Katherine," my heart sank as I hear the guy's familiar deep calm voice. I stiffened.

"Oh," I said abruptly and shifted my head to face him. "um. Hi."

"Can you remember me?" he asked, showing a big charming smile after speaking and stared at me—again.

It never fails giving me shivers, since the last time I hear him say my name was...

When was it? I don't remember.


"Elliott. I don't have an amnesia to forget you." I chuckled with the feeling of uneasiness.

Back when we were so innocent and cute, we were classmates in first grade at Catbalogan International School. Our school organized a program for Christmas celebration, like the Holy family or the re-enactment of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I was chosen as Mary and Elliott as Joseph, since my supposed to be partner, is absent that time. We even had a photo that was—dunno, lost maybe?

"Oh. Cool," His face brightens with those hazel tantalizing eyes that I barely recognize. He seems to be very pleased knowing the fact, which made me feel awkward.

Yet I found myself still looking at his clear brown eyes. It's sparkling like it has its own life. His hair is like a mess of brown-to-black nest of some lost lovebirds.

But yes, I admit it. He is simply gorgeous.

He faced to his side feeling awkwardly shy and brushed his dark hair backwards—or was it upwards?

I smiled for myself. I'm now pretending that I'm staring at something behind him, like, it's-not-you-idiot. So he relaxed and paces to me again.

"Um, do you—" he stuttered.

"Hey, El!" Bryle shouted and waved at me while holding a ball on his side.

I was startled like hell. As if someone just woke me up on my pitiful dreamy-dream.

Bryle is with three other tall guys whom I'm not familiar with. I guess they're going to the basketball court. Elliott turned his head to see Bryle Grande waving his hand on the air, grinning.

"Katherine, I—uh..." his delighted face drops. He seems so helpless.

"It's okay. Your friends are waiting. I'm going to the cafeteria anyway."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I forced a smile. I actually wanted to talk with him like this all day. Just like the old times—carefree talks.

But now's different. A lot of changes happened when I left this small town.

Thing is, we are now grown-ups. Teens... Many shady eyes are judging our every single step 24/7. And most of the time, misinterprets it, even exaggerates it.

As we turn our backs, I feel like as if I'm in a slow motion part of a movie, with the regret of parting that clearly shows in my face and the urge to go back to the place where we just had our short talk. I feel like I've been walking like this in ages. I feel like my body is becoming heavier for me to move on.

"Kathy," Elliott grabbed my arms instantly, gasping. He swiftly gets my right hand open. He put his hands on mine gently and made my hands closed before he left running to his friends.

He never turned his head back at me.


Okay. I am jaw-dropped. Did he just hold my hand?

It took me a minute to process all of the things and be back to my dreamy reality. I noticed that my hand is still hanging in the air as if Elliott's warm hands were still holding mine. I sighed and moved my hand nearer.

There's something inside my hand; smooth, delicate, and cold. It's a miniature bottle with a cork as its top cover and a rolled white paper inside it.

It is a vial.

My heart skipped a beat in disbelief. Is this for real? Is this Elliott? I mean, why-on-the-round-living-Earth Elliott Genner will give me a thing like this?

Above all of my questions stuck in my head, I decided not to open this today. Not this time. Not in this crowded place with those skeptical eyes staring at me in the middle of the quadrangle.


Crap baby. I'm seriously in the middle of the quadrangle, alone.

Okay. I felt myself blushing with bits of humiliation.

I head back on my heels to the cafeteria and slipped the fragile bottle inside my pocket for some security.


I shrieked—but no. I can't. Someone dragged me away from the door and covered my eyes and mouth.

The stranger led me somewhere backwards away from the cafeteria.

With my mind and body struggling, I suddenly remembered that our school is just beside the town's church—Saint Bartholomew Parish Church. And that our cafeteria is near to the left iron crafted gate, which we can easily have a view to the altar of the church.

Now, I'm probably already near to the place, with someone's hands blinding my eyes and my mouth gagged.


©2015 by ellejaune

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