Chapter 24 - Premonition

Start from the beginning

Ivy joined in with a chorus of head nods. She glanced at Marina – a connoisseur of teas – looked confused by the tea but still took small sips. Ella and Aura were both halfway finished with theirs. The mountainous trek must have left them parched. If Marina adored teas and all things infusions, Ivy was anything but. She always struggled to find something she liked, which made her wonder why she liked this concoction so much.

"Now, we don't have all day. Why are you here?" Helga swung herself into the chair, those dark eyes rounding around the table.

Ella burst out, point her finger at Ivy. "Her. She's the reason. She started a storm just by getting angry."

Ella's eyes went wide at her lack of composure. She looked at her tea mug then at everyone else's, noticing Helga lacked one. Raised her head slowly, Ella called upon a fireball. Nothing came of it. Her hand remained cold and empty.

"What did you do to us?" She growled still trying to call upon her fire with snaps of her wrist.

Helga applauded as that smile morphed into a smirk. "You wouldn't think I'd be prepared? I didn't know what the four daughters of the Pentacle would want with me."

"I'm lost. What?" Marina glanced at Ella, her eyebrows furrowing deeper as she looked around at the group. "Why can't I feel anything? There's some sort of...mental block."

"That still doesn't explain my outburst," Ella glowered at the forest witch.

"Added a dash of my truth potion to ensure you weren't holding anything back." Helga crossed her arms over her chest and leaned on the table. Her eyes found Ivy, causing a shudder to run down Ivy's back. "You're my storm starter. Not the first time you've done it either."

"No, not at all," Ivy replied with an even voice, earning incredulous looks from the others. She had left that part relatively vague when the others had asked. "It's rare, but it has happened. I never realized it was me until earlier this week."

"What do you mean, it's happened before?" Aura's head turned sharply. "You said you weren't super sure. Anything else you're hiding from us?"

Thoughts of the incubus and everything Griffin related threatened to materialize into words. Ivy's mouth opened to spill her innermost thoughts, but Helga interceded with another question.

"You're not here for trivial matters," Helga scolded, slamming her fist down. Aura jumped back into her chair. "We don't have the time for that. When does this happen mostly?"

"When I'm angry or upset, but it has really only happened in relation to the Pentacle." Ivy grasped the mug tightly in her hands. Despite wanting the answers, she feared the responses.

"It's more of a sign of the Pentacle's powers manifesting," Helga replied getting up. She brought the teapot to the table and refilled the cups, hers included. When nobody drank, she took a sip of hers first. "This one is normal. Lemongrass from my yard."

"What's that supposed to mean, the powers manifesting that is?" Marina gulped, bringing the mug back down to the table.

"You four are undergoing changes, are you not? Feeling more powerful? New skills?" They all nodded still feeling the effects of earlier tea. "The fifth daughter is bestowing her gifts unto you."

"She's willingly giving up her powers?" Aura wrapped her arms around her torso. "Why would she do that, unless...No that can't be. She's not dying."

"She has the gift of sight, does she not?"

"Yes, but I've started seeing things too." Marina tucked her hair behind her ear. "She may see what we don't see."

"And she's a spirit user?"

"As were her mother and grandmother, and practically her whole lineage," Aura answered, knowing Cassie's background.

Ivy listened but couldn't grasp the extent of the conversation. Helga basically said Cassie was dying. Why else would she give up her powers? Whoever had her wanted her powers and this Pentacle broken. The waves of denial lapped in Ivy's brain. They threatened to pull her under again, but she tried to stay on the shore of reason.

"But if she were dying wouldn't that mean the Pentacle, and the Coven by association, should be losing power, not gaining it?" Ella ran her thumb over her wrist in circles, her gaze staying downward.

Ella had done most of the digging when it came to Cassie's killer. She kept the search up when others hadn't, especially Ivy. Ivy wished she could comfort Ella in some way, but they sat across the table from one another.

Helga stood up and gripped the edge of her chair. As she stared down at them, her age began to show. Her youthful demeanor showed cracks at its edge. The wrinkles beside her eyes, the gray in her braids, but her eyes, those said it all. They revealed centuries of knowledge and having to keep it to herself.

"In a way, yes." Helga's head shot up at something in the distance, something only she could hear. "I've already said too much. You four must be on your way."

"We have so many questions," Marina protested as Helga forced them to get up.

"I am sure you do, which is why I cannot answer them." She whipped her braids behind her back. "Before you go, I have a word for each of you. First, close your eyes."

Helga's footsteps moved behind them. She started with Marina before moving to Ella and Aura. Ivy watched their reactions to gauge what kind of word they received. The only one to have an outward reaction was Ella, who pulled a face at the word. When Helga got to Ivy, she gripped her by the shoulders.

"Your word is not so much a blessing but rather a warning." Helga's cool breath ran down Ivy's spine. "There's something interesting about you, Ivy Vale. For now, your word is betrayal."

Eyes remaining closed, Ivy knitted her brows together. She wanted to ask what Helga meant but also knew it was pointless. She wouldn't get a straight answer out of the forest witch.

"What word did you get?" Aura asked when they opened their eyes. Somehow they were back in the car driving toward town central.

"Whoa, how did we get in the car?" Ella remarked, running her hands over the steering wheel.

"I don't know, but that was freakin' weird." Ivy rubbed her wrists as she played back Helga's word in her brain. "Can we all agree only to go to her in the most extreme circumstances?"

A collective yes filled the car. Helga left Ivy wondering what the hell was going on, specifically about Cassie. The need to find her was even more pressing.

"Anyone up for some Little Italy pizza?" Marina suggested. "I'm starving, especially with that tea she made us drink."

A chorus of yums came from the others.

Ella glanced over her shoulder from the driver's seat. "Can't take on the villains with an empty stomach."


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Here y'all go. Your usual 'Sunday' update...but it arrived on Monday instead. Teehee.

Yesterday was a long day with a massive migraine. I could barely get on my computer or  function at times throughout the day. It sucked.

Now you've met Helga, but I bet you can guess where you've seen her before 😉

Let me know what you think. Thanks again for all the comments/reads/votes. Can't tell you how much it means to me ❤️

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