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The president gave us this badass battle car it was a corvette that could turn invisible and had guns. like our own personal batmobile griffin insisted on sleeping the whole ride so he pulled his mask down and slept.
We pulled up at a vacant place about 5 minutes from the house everyone was living in.

I woke griffin up who once again complained, that he didn't feel like doing anything. we climbed on top of the house and observed as chesire had the boys at gun point with her group behind her. Bryce looked heartbroken and everyone else looked beyond scared.

We pushed our silencers on sniping her group from up top they all jumped looking around. We both jumped down griffin taking her group and me having her all to myself. I threw her into the wall and pinned her by her neck I said " YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME THE ONE PERSON I LOVED. AND NOW YOUR GONNA PAY!".

I took my sword and slowly pushed it into her chest causing her to scream so i shoved it all the way in it was right next to her heart and one move would kill her. She begged me not to do it and tried to talk me down but i smirked pushing my sword over causing her to go limp I pulled my sword out and laughed.

Griffin had just finished and we high fived, the boys just stared at us. I said "you're welcome for saving your asses" they still just stood there so me and griffin took that as our exit and got back into our car quickly head home leaving the boys dumbfounded in there house.

murder mission//cobrablackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें